B2395 - External validation of two studies on risk factors and prediction of childhood asthma - 26/02/2015
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Prof Claudia Kuenhi (University of Bern, Switzerland, Europe)
Alban Ramette (University of Bern, Switzerland, Europe), Ben Spycher (University of Bern, Switzerland, Europe)
Title of project:
External validation of two studies on risk factors and prediction of childhood asthma
Proposal summary:
Background: We recently published two studies in which we developed a novel and robust tool for predicting asthma at school age in preschool children with wheeze or cough (REF1), and determined the association between breastfeeding and school-age lung function (REF2). The two studies made use of population-based cohorts from children of Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
Aim: We want to externally validate the findings of those two studies using the ALSPAC data set.
Date proposal received:
Friday, 20 February, 2015
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 26 February, 2015
Cross Cohort Study
Primary keyword: