B2425 - The effect of antenatal depression and anxiety on adolescent conduct behaviour - 16/04/2015
B number:
Principal applicant name:
Apshana Haque (UCL, IRIS, UK)
Prof Glyn Lewis (UCL, IRIS, UK), Dr Rebecca Pearson (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project:
The effect of antenatal depression and anxiety on adolescent conduct behaviour.
Proposal summary:
The aim of the study is to look at antenatal factors affecting behavioural outcome in children of 15 years therefore a longitudinal study was deemed the only appropiate method to use. ALSPAC have obtained the data that is needed for this study, for the nature of this study no other method would be suitable to use.
Date proposal received:
Tuesday, 14 April, 2015
Date proposal approved:
Thursday, 16 April, 2015
Conduct Disorder
Primary keyword: