B2466 - Genetic and epigenetic influences on Research Domain Criteria Domains influencing risk for psychiatric disorders - 11/06/2015

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Mairead Bermingham (Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK)
Kristin Nicodemus (Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK)
Title of project: 
Genetic and epigenetic influences on Research Domain Criteria Domains influencing risk for psychiatric disorders
Proposal summary: 


To unravel the genetic and longitudinal epigenetic and environmental influences on National Institute of Mental Health (USA) Research Domain Criteria (RDoCs) Domains (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/research-priorities/rdoc/index.shtml) including: positive and negative valence and social process systems that contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders in children and young adults. In doing so, we will focus on the RDoCs Domains that have not been extensively studied in relation to genetic and epigenetic influences such as reward prediction error.

Date proposal received: 
Wednesday, 10 June, 2015
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 June, 2015
Epigenetics , GWAS, Psychosis
Primary keyword: