Proposal summaries
B1438 - Fussy eating in early life Does it matter - 06/09/2012
Infant feeding can be a source of considerable stress for parents. Children who refuse to eat the 'right' foods or appear particularly fussy can give particular cause for concern. Health visitors and other early year's practitioners have little solid advice to pass on to these worried parents despite often being the first port of call, as the evidence surrounding any potential detrimental effects of being a fussy or 'faddy' eater as an infant or toddler is limited and conflicting.
There is relatively little evidence about whether parents' perceptions of their child being a 'fussy eater' really reflect differences in diet compared with other children. Some studies suggest that children who are faddy in their eating tend to eat less and more slowly, potentially suggesting lower energy intake. Carruth et al (1998), reported that "picky eaters" had lower dietary variety and diversity scores, the only study we are aware of examining such an association. The largest study published to date (Dubois et al, 2007a) based on 2103 Canadian children aged 2.5 to 4.5 years showed that 'picky' eaters consumed less energy, fat and protein compared with children whose parents reported no concerns about fussy eating. Parents are likely to worry that a fussy eating child will not grow sufficiently. However, supplementing a fussy child's diet with energy-dense foods could result in fussy eaters being more likely to develop obesity. Only a handful of studies have been performed to date examining the associations between faddy eating and growth. These primarily cross-sectional studies provide conflicting evidence , have not looked at height growth, suffer from small sample sizes and only one has been performed in the UK (Wright et al, 2007).
The only UK study was based on the Millenium cohort (Wright et al, 2007), reporting a prevalence of "faddy" eating (defined by a single question) of 8% among 445 children aged 30 months. These children were found to have gained less weight compared to those who weren't "faddy" eaters. Picky eaters in an Israeli study (Ekstein, 2010) were more likely to be underweight compared to a control group (total n=34). In a study of 240 Portugese children aged 3-13, Viana et al (2008) reported a small negative association with "food fussiness" (defined by combining multiple questions) and BMI. Finally, Gregory et al (2010) found no association between child food fussiness and BMI in their sample of 156 Australian 2-4 year olds.
In addition, the definition of a faddy eater varies across these studies and has been ascertained at different ages making comparisons difficult. Designating a child as a faddy eater has previously been based on one simple question (Wright et al, 2007; Mascola et al 2010) through to combining responses to at least 6 questions (Carruth et al, 1998; Gregory et al, 2010; Viana et al, 2008). It is not clear what the impact of using different definitions is on the associations between picky eating, diet, and growth. Furthermore, no studies (to our knowledge) have explored whether picky eaters in early childhood are likely to remain picky eaters throughout childhood.
The aim of the current study is to use a large UK-based prospective cohort study to fill the gaps in the literature by a) examining different ways of defining faddy eaters; b) assessing the persistence of faddy eating throughout childhood; c) determining whether faddy eaters (particularly during toddlerhood when it causes the most concern) consume a balanced diet or not by examining associations with dietary intake and in particular with the Variety index; d ) determine any associations between being a faddy eater in infancy/toddlerhood and 1) height, weight and BMI growth throughout childhood and 2) early adult body composition, BP and other cardiovascular risk factors.
BR Carruth, J Skinner, K Houck, J Moran, F ColettaD Ott. The phenomenon of "Picky eater": A behavioural marker in eating patterns of toddlers. J Am Coll Nutr 1998; 17: 180-186.
TM Dovey, PA Staples, EL Gibson, JCG Halford. Food neophobia and 'picky/fussy' eating in children: A review. Appetite 2008: 50; 181-193.
L Dubois, AP Farmer, M Girard, K Peterson. Preschool children's eating behaviours are related to dietary adequacy and body weight. Eur J Clin Nutr 2007a; 61: 846-855.
L Dubois, A Farmer, M Girard, K Peterson, F Tatone-Tokuda. Problem eating behaviours related to social factors and body weight in preschool children: A longitudinal study. Int J Behav Nutr and Phys Act 2007b; 4: 9.
S Ekstein, D Laniado, B Glick. Does picky eating affect weight-for-length measurements in young children? Clin Pediatr 2010; 49: 217-220.
JE Gregory, SJ Paxton, AM Brozovic. Maternal feeding practises, child eating behaviour and body mass index in preschool-aged children: a prospective analysis. Int J Behav Nutr and Phys Act 2010; 7: 55.
AJ Mascola, W Bryson, WS Agras. Picky eating during childhood: A longitudinal study to age 11 years. Eating Behaviours 2010; 11: 253-257.
V Viana, S Sinde, JC Saxton. Children's eating behaviour questionnaire: associations with BMI in Portugese children. Br J Nutr 2008; 100:445-450.
CM Wright, KN Parkinson, D Shipton, RF Drewett. How do toddler eating problems relate to their eating behaviour, food preferences and growth? Pediatrics 2007; 120: e1069.
B1437 - Association of polymorphisms in 1L1RL1 pathway and asthma in children - 30/08/2012
Our aim is to replicate the analyses of the PIAMA birth cohort in the ALSPAC birth cohort. We hypothesise that the association of the IL1RL1 pathway with asthma, the number of eosinophils and the wheezing phenotypes can be replicated in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Therefore, we would like to study the association of SNPs of the IR1RL1 pathway (genes IL33, IL1RL1, IL1RAcP, MYD88, TIRAP, IRAK1, IRAK4 and TRAF6) with a doctor diagnosis of asthma in childhood, with the number of eosinophils in childhood with wheezing phenotypes in childhood in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Furthermore, we would like to study 10 selected interactions of SNPs in the IL1RL1 pathway and the presence of a doctor diagnosis of asthma in childhood.
B1435 - Febrile seizures GWA study - 30/08/2012
Aims: To identify genetic variants associated with febrile seizures in early childhood.
Hypothesis: Febrile seizures in childhood is linked to specific genetic polymorphisms
A discovery GWAS will be performed on genetic data from 8 different birth cohort studies, all paticipants of the EAGLE consortium. Results from this will be used in a meta-analysis association study.
The study is in line with several recent meta-GWAS studies that also included ALSPAC data.
Due to limited ressources in the ALSPAC group usually working on meta-GWAS projects, the applicants will assist in the data preparation and calculations on site.
Variables: Data from the already performed GWAS will be linked to questionaire data. The outcome variable will be occurrence of febrile seizures from age 3 months to 5 years as a dichotomous variable. This phenotype will be validated in details with the help from Prof. Jean Golding and Prof. Christopher Verity from ALSPAC. Additional information on sex of the child will be included in the analysis.
B1434 - Describing habitual levels of physical activity PA in older people in terms of impacts and how this relates to bone and other systems DUPLICATE OF B1372 - 30/08/2012
Hip fracture is a major cause of morbidity in older people, leading to loss of independence, and a huge burden economically in terms of healthcare costs. Osteoporosis, defined as reduction in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone strength, is strongly related to hip fracture risk. Several mechanisms contribute to the age-related decline in BMD and bone strength, including an age-related decline in the intensity and amount of PA, leading to a reduction in the quality and quantity of mechanical strains (defined as deformation of bone per unit length in relation to loading). For example, less than 30% of 65-74 year-olds and 15% of adults aged 75 and over report any moderate intensity PA lasting at least ten minutes in the previous four weeks (Craig R et al, 2009). These low levels of PA have numerous adverse health outcomes, reflecting the importance of physical activity for a range of systems including bone, leading to initiatives to co-ordinate existing activity promotion schemes (
B1433 - Cannabis misuse and adverse outcomes for young people - 30/08/2012
Aims: Understanding the range of risk factors and outcomes associated with cannabis use by young people, specifically young teenagers.
Research questions:
(1) What are the health, educational and social harms associated with cannabis use amongst under 18 year olds? To what extent can causality be established?
(2) What are the long-term health and social harms associated with cannabis use amongst young people?
(3) What is the relationship between young people's cannabis use and subsequent drug use and dependency?
(4) Does the amount of cannabis use (frequency or quantity) increase the harms or risk of harm experienced?
(5) Does the age of onset of use increase the harms or risk of harm experienced?
(6) What are the main risk factors for cannabis use and heavy cannabis use amongst young people?
(7) What are the typical trajectories of cannabis use as young people move out of adolescence?
The analysis will use univariate and multivariate methods. The key challenge has been to identify longitudinal datasets that will deliver robust evidence in terms of the scope of the data and the number of cases available.
A literature review and analysis of the Offending, Crime and Justice survey (OCJS) have already been completed. This has provided context and evidence of antecendents and outcomes for three groups: non-canabis users, early cannabis users (first tried cannabis aged 15 or younger) or late cannabis users (first tried cannabis aged 16 or older). Analysing the ALSPAC data is the final strand of the project. It is intended that ALSPAC will provide a more detailed insight into the first two of the three groups listed, more specifically educational, social adjustment and detailed information on cannabis and other substance use (including parental).
B1432 - Genetic determinants of white matter disease in preterm infants and impact on neurodevelopmental outcome - 30/08/2012
Aims: To clarify the genetic component of white matter disease and outcome in preterm infants, by exploring genetic variation and correlation with imaging endophenotype and neurodevelopmental phenotype.
Hypothesis: Genetic variation in preterm infants correlates with white matter damage and developmental outcome at age 2.
Exposure variable: Preterm birth less than 37 weeks Gestational Age
Outcome variables:
1. Whole organism - Bayley III neurodevelopmental assessment at age 2 years
2. Endophenotype - White matter damage assessed by quantitative MRI at term equivalent age (Tract Based Spatial Statistics TBSS and Deformation Based Morphometry DBM)
Confounding variables: Sex, birth weight, IUGR, days of assisted ventilation, antenatal steroids, culture positive sepsis, chronic lung disease
Background: More than 1 in 10 babies worldwide are born prematurely, and 40-50% of children with birthweight less than 1000g have neurodevelopmental problems (Marlow et al. 2005). Rates of prematurity are increasing worldwide (WHO 2012) and the predominant type of pathology now consists of diffuse white matter injury rather than florid parenchymal lesions such as cystic periventricular leukomalacia.
Infection, inflammation, chronic lung disease, gender and intra-uterine growth restriction have all been shown to impact brain structure and outcome but this does not fully account for the range of neurological outcomes for preterm babies with similar clinical features in similar environments. Individual susceptibility to injury might have a role to play, and be modulated by genetic factors. The most severe functional end-point of the various brain parenchyma pathologies remains cerebral palsy, a multi-factorial heterogeneous phenotype with a stable incidence despite changes in obstetric and neonatal practices (Stanley et al 2000). A genetic component for cerebral palsy has been suggested by previous case-control studies (Wu et al 2009, Hollegaard et al 2012) but studies tend to report conflicting results and have to contend with small sample sizes and other methodological issues.
The ALSPAC dataset will allow us to overcome some of these hurdles by starting with a large cohort and further increasing power by focusing on biological pathways within those data rather than searching for individually significant SNPs. The documented clinical variables and outcome measures in the database provide the opportunity to account for confounders and assess the clinical significance of resulting gene candidates. Using our bioinformatics expertise we hope to apply novel pathway analysis methods to genome-wide data in order to uncover biological patterns. We aim to combine prior knowledge from three sources in order to select a final group of gene candidates and focus validation:
1. GWAS data (ALSPAC)
2. Biologically driven (neonatal mouse subplate co-expression patterns)
3. Literature evidence
MRI is a safe and non-invasive method of obtaining an intermediate measure of the brain substrate, and our perinatal neuroimaging group has extensive experience in this field. The data obtained by advanced neuroinformatics methods such as TBSS and DBM are quantitative endophenotypes that are known to relate to outcome in the preterm population (Boardman et al 2010, van Kooij et al 2012). We will use advanced bioinformatics strategies to integrate the genetic and imaging datasets, both large amounts of data that can be more informative in conjunction than separately. This will then guide validation in our cohort by correlation of gene variation and linked quantitative imaging, thus opening a window on genetic effects on brain structure and function.
Marlow N, Wolke D, Bracewell MA, Samara M, N Engl J Med, 2005;352(1):9-19
Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth, WHO 2012-08-13
Stanley F, Blair E, Alberman E. MacKeith Press; 2000
Wu D, Yan-Feng Z, Xiao-Yan X, Li Y, Gong-Chun Z, Xi-Song B, Jiu-Lai T, Dev Med Child Neurol, 2011;53: 217-225
Hollegaard MV, Skogstrand K, Thorsen P, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Hougaard DM, Grove J, Hum Mutat, 2012; Epub ahead of print
van Kooij BJ, de Vries LS, Ball G, van Haastert, Benders MJ, Groenendaal F, Counsell SJ, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2012; 33(1):188-94
Boardman JP, Craven C, Valappil S, Counsell SJ, Dyet LE, Rueckert D, Aljabar P, Rutherford MA, Chew AT, Allsop JM, Cowan F, Edwards AD, Neuroimage, 2010; 52(2): 409-14
B1431 - Detecting and modelling selection in developmental lifecourse and ageing-related genes - 30/08/2012
To execute a thorough analysis on evidence of selection acting on a suite of developmental, lifecourse and ageing-related genes.
This is an exploratory analysis and we are not testing any pre-defined hypotheses per se.
We would like to use ALSPAC GWAS and imputed data as part of a project investigating the evolution of certain genes linked with development (LIN28B and KCNJ2) and ageing diseases (APOE), as well as other genes of interest in TLD's thesis (CHRNA5, SERPINA1). We will use various established approaches to conduct a rounded analysis for each genic region concerning whether there is evidence that selection has acted. We then plan to use the information gained from the selection detection phase, in addition to data from the 1000 Genomes Project, to model the action of selection via simulation approaches and tailor-made, informed, hypothetical selection models, to gain further insight into the values of key parameters. The selection detection stage will include calculation of haplotype-based statistics (e.g. iHS (Voight et al. (2006))) and the use of likelihood-based methods (Nielsen et al.(2009)), in addition to comparative population statistics (using 1000 Genomes data). Other selection detection methods may be incorporated as the analysis evolves. We request all genetic data for each named gene within 5mb of the gene start position, all genetic data between the gene start and stop positions, and all data within 5mb of the gene end position. (These surrounding regions may also harbour interesting signatures of selection). It is important to understand the mechanisms of selection acting on a locus. For example, in the case of APOE this has been studied in depth in the literature for the E2/3/4 haplotype (Fullerton et al.(2000), Drenos and Kirkwood (2010)). As yet, there is not a definitive conclusion for the evolutionary history of these alleles. We hope that by combining all available methods from the literature and by implementing these methods on a combination of different data sets, we will reach a more concrete conclusion for the APOE gene. In addition, we would like to use the information produced from the selection detection phase to run different models of selection for these genes and use Approximate Bayesian Computation methodology (Itan et al. (2009)) to calibrate the models with parameter estimations.
We would like to run this analysis (selection detection + model selection) on a suite of different genes which have been associated with developmental phenotypes (LIN28B - age at menarche (Perry et al(2009)), KCNJ2 - age at first tooth eruption (Pillas et al.(2010))) and ageing phenotypes (APOE - Alzheimer Disease), in addition to two genes with implications across the lifecourse (CHRNA5 - nicotine dependence, SERPINA1 - alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency). The Proximal 14q32.1 SERPIN subcluster, for example, has been studied for evidence of selection (Seixas et al.(2007)) previously. The authors found evidence to suggest that a deletion in SERPINA2 has been positively selected in Africans. Despite having been studied in the past, we would still like to consider selection in and around SERPINA1 as our proposed work could benefit from larger sample sizes and the incorporation of other selection detection techniques, in addition to the benefits of using 1000 Genomes datasets. Additionally, we would like to computationally model selection signals to gain further insight. We would eventually like to execute a high level comparison of positive selection acting on early-acting versus late-acting traits (e.g. LIN28B/KCNJ2 vs APOE).
Note: exposure/outcome/confounding variables are not defined in this project
Stephanie M. Fullerton, et al., Apolipoprotein E Variation at the Sequence Haplotype Level: Implications for the Origin and Maintenance of a Major Human Polymorphism. American journal of human genetics,2000. 67(4): p. 881-900
Fotios Drenos and Thomas B. L. Kirkwood, Selection on Alleles Affecting Human Longevity and Late-Life Disease: The Example of Apolipoprotein E. PLoS ONE, 2010. 5(4): p. e10022.
Benjamin F. Voight, et al., A Map of Recent Positive Selection in the Human Genome. PLoS Biol, 2006. 4(3): p. e72.
Rasmus Nielsen, et al., Genomic scans for selective sweeps using SNP data. Genome Research, 2005. 15(11): p. 1566-1575.
Yuval Itan, et al., The Origins of Lactase Persistence in Europe. PLoS Comput Biol, 2009. 5(8): p. e1000491.
John R. B. Perry, et al., Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies two loci influencing age at menarche. Nat Genet, 2009. 41(6): p. 648-650.John R. B. Perry, et al., Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies two loci influencing age at menarche. Nat Genet, 2009. 41(6): p. 648-650.
Demetris Pillas, et al., Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Multiple Loci Associated with Primary Tooth Development during Infancy. PLoS Genet, 2010. 6(2): p. e1000856
Susana Seixas, et al., Sequence Diversity at the Proximal 14q32.1 SERPIN Subcluster: Evidence for Natural Selection Favoring the Pseudogenization of SERPINA2. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2007. 24(2): p. 587-598.
B1430 - Is variation in genes encoding methylarginine metabolising enzymes associated with endothelial dysfunction - 30/08/2012
Circulating concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) strongly predict CV outcomes [1] however causal relationships have been difficult to establish. Local regulation of ADMA levels is achieved through metabolism by three enzymes dependent on the tissue and cell type: the two isoforms of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) and the poorly characterised enzyme alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase-2 (AGXT2, which is mainly restricted to kidney).
Recent reports demonstrate a low-frequency coding polymorphism (V140I) in the AGXT2 gene alters urinary metabolite levels [2]. I have now demonstrated that AGXT2 plays a physiological role in ADMA metabolism by phenotyping AGXT2 null mice and quantifying the association between kidney tissue AGXT2 expression and circulating methylarginines in human transplant recipients (accounting for ~20% of ADMA variation). Furthermore I have shown disruption of the AGXT2 gene leads to hypertension in mice and, by association with V140I, diastolic blood pressure in humans [3]. The increased circulating ADMA observed with AGXT2 disruption may lead to hypertension by inhibiting production of endothelial-derived nitric oxide (NO) with consequent endothelial dysfunction.However local NO production has also been shown to inhibit renal sodium reabsorption along the nephron [4] and this is an alternative mechanism by which AGXT2 disruption might mediate hypertension.
As part of an intermediate fellowship application, which includes a number of epidemiological, human physiological and animal studies, I plan to examine the mechanisms underlying AGXT2 mediated hypertension. Specifically I hope to examine in collaboration with Professor John Deanfield the association between V140I and flow-mediated dilatation in humans to investigate if AGXT2 disruption leads to hypertension through endothelial dysfunction in humans.
Hypothesis: Functional variants in methylarginine metabolising enzymes are associated with impaired endothelial function
Exposure: Common variation in the genes encoding AGXT2 (and DDAH1) at loci previously reported to associate with an intermediate phenotype e.g. rs37369 (AGXT2 - V140I).
Outcomes: Per cent flow mediated dilatation (%FMD).
Adjustment for confunding by ethnicity (reported ethnic origin).
Power calculations: There will be 90% (alpha=0.05)power to detect an absolute difference of 0.5% in percent FMD (mean FMD: 8%; SD:4%) in those carrying the minor alle (assuming a MAF 0.1) at rs37369.
The opportunity to investigate the mechanism underlying the ADMA-CVD relationship using genetic tools will help us to establish the causal relationships in this area. Results of these studies may lead to the development of biomarkers for risk prediction as well as the potential to develop strategies to target this pathway.
1. Aucella, F., et al., Methylarginines and mortality in patients with end stage renal disease: A prospective cohort study. Atherosclerosis, 2009. 207(2): p. 541-545.
2. Suhre, K., et al., A genome-wide association study of metabolic traits in human urine. Nature Genetics, 2011. 43(6): p. 565-9.
3. Caplin, B., et al., Alaninie-Glyoxylate Aminotransferase-2 Metabolises Endogenous Methylarginines, Regulates Nitric Oxide and Controls Blood Pressure. . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, In Revision.
4. Garvin, J.L., M. Herrera, and P.A. Ortiz, Regulation of renal NaCl transport by nitric oxide, endothelin, and ATP: clinical implications. Annual review of physiology, 2011. 73: p. 359-76.
B1428 - Relationship between primary tooth development and adolescent bone outcomes - 30/08/2012
Not much is known about the relationship between teeth and other growth and developmental processes. To date research has looked into the relationships beween teeth, skeletal development and height. A close associated was found to exist between the classification stages of mandibular cainines and skeletal maturity(1). Other studies have also looked into the correlation between dental development calculated from the number of permanent teeth and other measures of other somatic maturation including age of menarche (r=0.59) (2). Furthermore research by Filipson et al has looked at the relationhsip between dental age and growth trajectories. Results indicated an increase in the difference in time between sexual and dental maturation signifies a greater remaining height growth(2).
Many developmental processes share common pathways and teeth are no different. Prior to eruption process mononuclear cells move to the dental follicle and fuse to produce osteoclasts. Osteoclasts resorb alveolar bone and form an eruption pathway (3). Molecules involved in this process and signalling cascades have been studied using rodent models. Three molecules play a pivotal role in osteoclast formation; Receptor activator of nuclear factor-6B ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and CSF-1. RANKL promotes formation of osteoclasts (3). OPG inhibits the function of RANKL and osteoclast differentiation. OPG is expressed in the dental follicle in rats'; however expression of this molecule is reduced when incubated with CSF-1. This inhibition and the cell-cell signalling of RANKL from the alveolar bone enable osteoclast formation leading to an eruption process (3). Genes involved in this eruption process (RANKL/OPG) as also closely associated with bone turnover and bone mineral density.
3. Hypothsis
There is a relationship between tooth development and other aspects of development and bone phenotypes.
4. Aims:
We aim to investigate the relationship between tooth phenotypes and bone outcomes. In doing so we need to take into account any confounders and mediators. We then aim to use results from a previous genome-wide-association of tooth development to conduct some instrumental variable analysis using previosly identified genetic predictors of tooth development and bone outcomes.
Exposure variables:
Number of teeth (15 and 24 months)
Age first tooth at (15 months)
Any milk teeth fallen out (64 months)
Number of milk teeth fallen (64 and 78 months)
Genotype for 'Age at first tooth' (from previous GWAS to use as an instrumental variable)
Genotype for 'number of teeth''(from previous GWAS to use as an instrumental variable)
Outcome variables:
HipDXA (17 years): Standardised hip outcomes individually error corrected:
Femoral neck BMD
Total hip BMD
Minimum neck width
Cross-sectional area
Cross-sectional moment of inertia
Cortical Thickness
Minimum Section Modulus
Maximum buckling ratio
pQCT (17 years): Standardised outcomes individually error corrected:
Cortical area
Cortical content
Cortical density
Periosteal Circumference
Cortical thickness
Endosteal circumference
Confounding variables:
Total body fat mass
Total body lean mass
Pubic Hair
1. Chertkow S, Tooth mineralization as an indicator os the pubertal growth spurt. American Journal of Orthodontics 7, 79-91 (1980)
2. Filipsson R and Hall K, Correlation between dental maturity, height development and sexual maturation in normal girls. Annals of Human Biology 3, 205-210 (1976)
3. Wise,G.E., Frazier-Bowers,S., & R.N.D'Souza Cellular, Molecular, and Genetic Determinants of Tooth Eruption. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 13, 323-335 (2002).
B1427 - The association between inter-pregnancy interval gestational weight gain and later cardiovascular health - 30/08/2012
Pregnancy represents a metabolic challenge to women - in a normal pregnancy, a woman will become relatively insulin resistant, hyperlipidaemic, and have an up-regulation of coagulation factors and the inflammatory cascade (Sattar) in order to support the pregnancy. Most (Green et al.; Ness et al.; Parikh), but not all (Steenland) studies have found a positive association between parity and CVD in later life, suggesting that the more pregnancies a women has in her lifetime, the greater her risk of cardiovascular disease. However the mechanisms underlying this association are poorly understood. One possibility is that the stress test of pregnancy has long term effects and indeed there is some evidence to support this.
To our knowledge, no study has examined the association of inter-pregnancy interval and later cardiovascular health. It is possible that exposure to multiple pregnancies within a short time frame may be a risk factor for later cardiovascular health, since the woman's metabolic system would have less time to recover to its usual state between pregnancies.
Shorter inter-pregnancy interval may also be associated with greater gestational weight gain, which in ALSPAC has been shown to be associated with adverse outcomes in both the mother and offspring (Fraser 2010; Fraser 2011).
To examine the association of inter-pregnancy interval with i) gestational weight gain, and ii) ii) cIMT, arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk factors measured approximately 17 years postpartum in the mothers of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC).
Exposure variable:
Inter-pregnancy interval (analysis restricted to women who have 2 offspring in order to remove confounding by parity)
Outcome variables:
1. Gestational weight gain - as modelled using linear spline multilevel models by Kate Tilling and used in previous publications (Fraser 2010; Fraser 2011). Since these data are only available for the index child of ALSPAC, these analysis will be restricted to women where the ALSPAC index child is their second child, and they have no further children. The association between inter-pregnancy interval and gestational weight gain will be assessed by fitting an interaction between a categorised indicator of inter-pregnancy interval (short, medium (reference), long) and gestational age in the multilevel model of gestational weight gain
2. ii) cIMT, arterial stiffness and Cardiovascular risk factors measured at the 'focus on mothers' clinic 18 years postpartum. Detailed measures to be examined are the calculated 10-year risk of CVD based on the Framingham risk score, cIMT, arterial stiffness, BMI, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, pro-insulin, triglycerides, and C-reactive protein. Linear or logistic regression will be used to assess the association between interpregnancy interval and each outcome.
Confounding variables:
Maternal age at delivery and parity were obtained from obstetric records. Information on further pregnancies was obtained from various questionnaires. Information on prepregnancy weight and height, maternal smoking in pregnancy, maternal education, and household social class was based on questionnaire responses. Maternal education was categorized as below or above university level. The highest parental occupation was used to allocate the children to family social class groups (classes I [professional/managerial] to V [unskilled manual workers], according to the 1991 British Office of Population and Census Statistics classification). Maternal smoking in pregnancy was categorized as follows: never smoked; smoked before pregnancy or in the first trimester and then stopped; and smoked throughout pregnancy.
Additional relevant variables:
Information on diabetes mellitus and CVD diagnosed during follow-up was collected by a questionnaire completed 18 years after the index pregnancy. Women reported having been told they had a heart attack, heart failure, angina, and/or stroke.
Fraser A, Tilling K, Macdonald-Wallis C, Sattar N, Brion MJ, Benfield L, Ness A, Deanfield J, Hingorani A, Nelson SM, Smith GD, Lawlor DA (2010). Association of maternal weight gain in pregnancy with offspring obesity and metabolic and vascular traits in childhood. Circulation;121:2557-64
Fraser A, Tilling K, Macdonald-Wallis C, Hughes R, Sattar N, Nelson SM, Lawlor DA. (2011) Associations of gestational weight gain with maternal body mass index, waist circumference, and blood pressure measured 16 y after pregnancy: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC); Am J Clin Nutr. 93: 1285-92
Green A, Beral V, Moser K (1988) Mortality in women in relation to their childbearing history. BMJ; 297: 391-395.
Ness RB, Harris T, Cobb J, Flegal KM, Kelsey JL, et al. (1993) Number of pregnancies and the subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med; 328: 1528-1533.
Parikh NI, Cnattingius S, Dickman PW, Mittleman MA, Ludvigsson JF, et al. (2010) Parity and risk of later-life maternal cardiovascular disease. American Heart Journal; 159: 215-221
Sattar, N. (2004) Do pregnancy complications and CVD share common antecedents? Atherosclerosis Supplements; 5: 3-7
Steenland K, Lally C, Thun M (1996) Parity and coronary heart disease among women in the American Cancer Society CPS II population. Epidemiology; 7: 641-643.
B1426 - Predictors of chronic fatigue in children age 18-19 years - 30/08/2012
Aims: Our aim is to investigate whether fatigue in 18 year-old children in the ALSPAC cohort is predicted by a range of factors, including fatigue at younger ages, exercise, and obesity. We also aim to investigate the relationship between fatigue, pain and depression in young adulthood, to explore groups of symptoms in fatigued children, and to investigate the relationship between fatigue and disability.
Hypotheses: Childhood fatigue and lifestyle factors may be associated with chronic disabling fatigue at age 18-19 years.
Exposure variables: body mass index; physical activity (questionnaire and accelerometer data); chronic fatigue at at 13-14 years (defined as fatigue that had prevented school attendance or participation in activities and that was not due to sport, possible sleep apnoea or probable depression [Crawley E, Hughes R, Northstone K, Tilling K, Emond A, Sterne JA. Pediatrics. 2012;130(1):e71-9]) and 15-16 years (defined using an appropriate threshold on the Chalder Fatigue Scale).
Outcome variables: We will identify ALSPAC 18 year-olds with high levels of fatigue using responses to fatigue and energy levels questions asked in the CIS-R questionnaire which was included in TF4. We will investigate the relationship between fatigue and disability (physical function) using responses to the SF-36 inventory which formed part of the "Your Changing Life" questionnaire and between fatigue, disability and depression (using responses to the MFQ questionnaire).
Confounding variables: family adversity.
B1425 - Predictors of chronic fatigue in children age 16-17 years - 30/08/2012
Aims: Few studies have investigated the aetiology of chronic disabling fatigue in children. Our aim is to investigate whether chronic disabling fatigue in 16 year-old children in the ALSPAC cohort is predicted by a range of factors, including maternal psychopathology, childhood psychological problems, exercise, and obesity.
Hypotheses: Maternal and childhood psychological, environmental and lifestyle factors may be associated with chronic disabling fatigue at age 16-17 years.
Exposure variables: episodes of maternal anxiety (Crown-Crisp Experiential Index anxiety subscale score greater than 8) and depression (Edinburgh Depression Scale score greater than 12) occurring at up to multiple time points since pregnancy; childhood psychological problems (derived from the 'Development and Well-Being Assessment' (DAWBA) questionnaire) at age 15 years; body mass index; and physical activity (questionnaire and accelerometer data); chronic fatigue at at 13-14 years (defined as fatigue that had prevented school attendance or participation in activities and that was not due to sport, possible sleep apnoea or probable depression [Crawley E, Hughes R, Northstone K, Tilling K, Emond A, Sterne JA. Pediatrics. 2012;130(1):e71-9]).
Outcome variables: We will identify ALSPAC 16 year-olds with high levels of fatigue using an appropriate threshold on the Chalder Fatigue Scale. This questionnaire was included in TF3. The threshold will be defined by looking at Chalder Fatigue scores in children diagnosed with CFS/ME according to National Insititute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) diagnostic criteria using data from a cohort of paediatric patients which is maintained in the Centre for Child & Adolescent Health.
Confounding variables: family adversity
B1424 - Predictors of chronic fatigue in children age 13-14 years - 30/08/2012
Aims: Few studies have investigated the aetiology of chronic disabling fatigue in children. Our aim is to investigate whether chronic disabling fatigue in 13 year-old children in the ALSPAC cohort is predicted by a range of factors, including maternal psychopathology, childhood psychological problems, adverse life events, behavioural problems, exercise, obesity, and sleep patterns.
Hypotheses: Maternal and childhood psychological, environmental and lifestyle factors may be associated with chronic disabling fatigue at age 13-14 years.
Exposure variables: episodes of maternal anxiety (Crown-Crisp Experiential Index anxiety subscale score greater than 8) and depression (Edinburgh Depression Scale score greater than 12) occurring at up to 10 time points between pregnancy and child age 9-10 years; childhood psychological problems (derived from the 'Development and Well-Being Assessment' (DAWBA) questionnaire), upsetting events, and behavioural problems (from the 'Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire' (SDQ)) occurring at age 7-9 years; sleep patterns at 8 timepoints; body mass index; diet (food frequency questionnaire and dietary diaries); and physical activity (questionnaire and accelerometer data).
Outcome variables: We have identified 117 & 53 ALSPAC 13 year-olds with disabling fatigue of >=3 and >=6 months duration, respectively, defined as fatigue that had prevented school attendance or participation in activities and that was not due to sport, possible sleep apnoea or probable depression [Crawley E, Hughes R, Northstone K, Tilling K, Emond A, Sterne JA. Pediatrics. 2012;130(1):e71-9].
Confounding variables: family adversity.
B1423 - The effect of genetic variation in iodine metabolism on iodine status in pregnancy and consequent child cognition - 21/08/2012
To use GWAS data to identify genetic variation that influences maternal iodine status, as measured by urinary iodine-to-creatinine ratio. We would then aim to extrapolate this to evaluate if there is an interaction between iodine status, SNPs in relevant pathways and child outcome data.
We have hypothesised that our observed association between maternal iodine status and child cognition is driven by maternal thyroid hormones, which are required for fetal brain and neurological development, and a sufficient iodine supply is required for thyroid hormone production. However, we did not have maternal thyroid measures in the pilot study and therefore wish to confirm the relationships between iodine and thyroid function.
We wish to investigate the relationships between maternal iodine and selenium status. We will then include selenium in the model with iodine status and child cognition to evaluate if maternal selenium influences the obvserved relationships in the pilot study.
We also aim to use ALSPAC dietary data and iodine status measures in pregnancy to develop a screening tool that could be used in a clinical setting to identify women who are at risk of iodine deficiency. The dietary data in ALSPAC would be analysed to establish dietary patterns that protect women from iodine deficiency and thus provide the data for a risk screening tool. This screening tool will be developed in combination with data from another UK study (SPRINT - a selenium intervention study that has baseline measures of iodine status and thyroid function), allowing the tool to be tested in different groups and populations.
B1422 - CIPHER Centre for Improvement of Population Health through e-Health Research - 17/08/2012
Vision: CIPHER will harness existing strengths in health informatics research to address translational delays between knowledge discovery, intervention assessment and adoption, and population impact by: developing collaborations to link previously isolated silos of expertise (observational, interventional, biomedical and social science); improving knowledge exchange between academic, practitioner and policy leads; and liberating information trapped in data islands. CIPHER will add value by maximising the utility of available routine health-related data on the full UK population, provide robust methods to link such data to UK cohorts, surveys and non-health administrative data, enhanced by collection of novel population level data on health status, behaviours and exposures. Embedding cohorts, trials and survey data within this total population structure will meet the aims of the initiative by providing the data, methods and skills to enhance observational and interventional research capacity and efficiency, support policy decisions, and quantify the impact of investment in scientific research on population health and wellbeing. CIPHER combines applicants from Swansea (SU), Bristol (BU), Cardiff (CU), Brighton, Leicester and Sussex Universities with experts from Curtin, Monash, Ottawa and Western Australia Universities, ensuring novel methodological developments and high quality trans-national research.
Aim: to improve population health and wellbeing through the use of e-health informatics research.
Objectives: 1. provide a focus for rigorous innovative research using electronic health records;
2. undertake and promote innovative linkage and analysis of large health-related datasets including social, economic and spatial data; and
3. build multi-disciplinary capacity in e-health information research. These aims & objectives are addressed in sections 2-6, and particularly within Research Programmes 1-4.
B1420 - Identification of genetic variants regulating gene expression at whole genome resolution - 16/08/2012
Regulation of gene expression is a highly heritable, critical component of a variety of biological processes. Studies integrating expression data and genotypic data have successfully identified common-variant expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) in a range of cell and tissues samples. As the majority of common genetic variants associated with complex traits map to non-coding regions of the genome, genome-wide studies of the genetic regulation of gene expression are key to interpreting the wealth of data generated in association studies and to understanding the genetic architecture of gene regulation, and by extension, the genetic architecture of complex traits.
We propose to fine-map common variant and identify rare variant eQTLs by integrating UK10K whole genome sequences from the TwinsUK and ALSPAC cohorts with gene expression data generated from the same individuals as part of the MuTHER study (TwinsUK) and ALSPAC expression study. Gene expression data is available from three tissues in the MuTHER individuals - lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), adipose and skin, and LCLs in the ALSPAC individuals. In each case roughly half of the individuals have whole genome sequences generated as part of the cohorts arm of UK10K and the remaining will have imputed genotypes based on the UK10K-reference panel. Both the ALSPAC and TwinsUK expression profiles were generated on the Illumina HT-12 array in the same facility, making them ideally matched for joint analyses. We are applying separately to the UK10K management committee for access to the ALSPAC genome sequences. The proposed research will generate a novel resource of fine-scale regulatory data and inform our understanding of the genetic regulation of gene expression.
We will carry out global single point (MAF greater than 1%) and rare-variants burden scans to identify cis-eQTLs. We will condition on significant peaks to find secondary (and potentially tertiary signals). We will use the discovered cis-eQTLs to answer the following questions: A) How much more of the heritability of expression of a transcript is explained by rare variant or incompletely tagged common variants? B) Where do the cis-eQTLs map and can we use functional annotation to improve the sensitivity of our scans? C) Where we find a secondary eQTL signal under a primary one already linked to a GWAS signal is there evidence that the secondary eQTL also affects the GWAS trait? (We will focus on traits measured in the UK10K analysis of the TwinsUK/ALSPAC full cohort) In addition, we will fine map trans-eQTLs previously discovered with common variant genotypic data in these datasets.
B1419 - Allergy and mental well-being in childhood - 16/08/2012
Overall Aim:
To determine whether children with allergy symptoms (rash and wheeze) at school age have poorer mental well-being (SDQ) at 8yrs than children who have never had these symptoms
Research questions:
1. Do the children with mother-reported allergic symptoms at school age have poorer mental well-being (mother-reported SDQ) than those who have never had allergic symptoms?
2. Do the children with mother-reported allergic symptoms at school age have poorer teacher-reported mental well-being?
3. Does the relationship between allergic symptoms and SDQ (both mother and teacher reported) differ by symptom severity?
4. Is the same relationship found with an objective measure of allergy (skin-prick test)?
5. If a relationship between wheeze/rash and SDQ is found, what factors explain this (e.g. poorer sleep patterns, not fitting in with peer group, mother's poorer mental health, medication use).
6. If a relationship between wheeze/rash is found and mental well-being is found, is this specific to allergy or is a similar association found with other child illnesses (e.g. earache)?
Main exposures: mother reported child's wheeze and rash from infancy to school age
Additional exposures: skin prick test for allergy (as an objective measure), and a medical condition unrelated to allergy (e.g. earache) in order to test if any association found is specific to allergy.
Outcomes: Mother and teacher reported SDQ (both the total difficulties score and it's subcomponents will be considered)
Confounders: SES, maternal mental health (during pregnancy and at outcome), maternal allergy, maternal sleep, maternal smoking (during pregnancy and at outcome), child sleep patterns, child medication use, child's experiences at school e.g. bullying, feeling left out.
B1418 - Physical activity and sedentary behaviour as predictors of cognitive function and academic performance in British youth - 16/08/2012
The benefits of physical activity (PA) and cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF) for children's and adolescents' physical [1, 2] and psychological health [3] are well established. However, only 33% of British boys and 21% of British girls aged 4-15 years meet PA guidelines when PA is objectively assessed [4]. Meanwhile, British children spend on average between 3.4 - 4.1 hours in sedentary pursuits outside of their school time and the amount of time spent sedentary increases with age [4]. Sedentary behaviours such as TV viewing and passive travel negatively predict CRF [5, 6] and are associated with increased adiposity [6]. Data also indicates that British youth have become alarmingly unfit in the course of the last decade [7]. Inactive lifestyles not only pose a health concern during adolescent years, but also track relatively well into adulthood, thus increasing adult risk of morbidity and mortality [8].
The emerging body of evidence suggests that low levels of PA, CRF and fatness are not only associated with adverse physical health outcomes but negatively affect brain and cognitive development, as well as academic achievement in youth [9-12]. Conversely, CRF, short bouts of exercise and exercise interventions have been associated with superior cognitive performance [10, 13-15] and larger volumes in brain structures sub-serving memory and learning [13], as well as with higher academic achievement in youth and children [10, 16]. Investigating the relationships among PA, CRF, cognitive function and academic outcomes in school-aged children and youth is important, as these relationships can contribute to long term positive educational sequel [17].
A number of studies using neurophysiological and behavioural measures of cognition indicate that pre-adolescent children with higher levels of CRF perform significantly better on cognitive tasks requiring executive control (mental processes regulating goal directed behaviour, which include working memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility), attention and relational memory [13, 18-20]. Superior cognitive performance was linked to greater volumes in brain structures supporting learning and memory: (i) basal ganglia [19, 21, 22], and (ii) hippocampus [18], thus indicating structural physiological underpinnings for the effects of CRF on children's cognition. Working memory and inhibition in particular are thought to be important for academic achievement and are linked to achievement in mathematics and reading [23-25]. Likewise teachers' ratings of pupils' attention show a strong association with academic achievement in mathematics and reading [26-28]. However, studies employing objective cognitive measures of attention in relation to academic achievement are sparse [29, 30]. Likewise, only a paucity of studies investigated the effects of PA (exercise intervention) or CRF on children's attention and these results are promising [20, 31]. Thus the relationship between PA, CRF, attention and academic achievement warrants further investigation.
Evidence is emerging linking childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity to the declines in cognitive function and academic achievement [11, 12]. Research also suggests that exercise can positively affect this relationship and improve executive function and academic performance in overweight and sedentary children [32-34]. Thus it is possible that PA, CRF and adiposity interact in producing different cognitive and academic outcomes in youth. Further research investigating complex associations between PA, CRF, adiposity and cognition as well as academic achievement is warranted.
Studies to date focused on the effects of CRF [10] and broadly defined PA, including time spent in physical education (PE) [10, 35, 36], self-reported PA, or the effects of a particular exercise intervention as a proxy for PA [10, 15, 35]. Such methodological approaches taken together with the heterogeneity of PA measures and definitions do not allow for any inferences about what patterns of habitual PA (intensity, frequency and duration, as well as the number of PA bouts) are most strongly associated with positive cognitive and academic outcomes in youth and children. Evidence linking objectively measured habitual PA to these outcomes is lacking [13, 14]. Furthermore, none of the studies to date assessed the unique effects of sedentary time on cognitive function and academic achievement in children or adolescents. Although few studies reported positive effects of short bouts of exercise during class on children's concentration and engagement with learning tasks [37, 38], these data do not inform our knowledge of how sedentary time independent of moderate to vigorous PA uniquely contribute to gains in cognitive function and, possibly, academic achievement. The knowledge of how patterns of habitual PA and sedentary time uniquely contribute to various aspects of adolescents' cognitive function in comparison to their effects on academic achievement is important. Such knowledge will afford mapping of complex pathways through which habitual PA can affect processes supporting learning as well as learning outcomes.
Present study proposes to address these gaps in research and to investigate:
1) the mediated effects of cognition (working memory, inhibition, selective attention, divided attention, attentional control) on the relationship between habitual PA (and sedentary behaviour) on academic achievement at age 11 years;
Research question (RQ) 1: Is the relationship between the total and accumulated bouts (e.g. greater than 10 minutes) of PA (and time sedentary) and academic achievement (in reading, spelling, English, mathematics and science) at age 11 mediated by cognitive performance on the tests of working memory and inhibition at age 10 years, and divided attention, selective attention and attentional control at age 11 years?
2) the longitudinal effects of habitual PA (and sedentary behaviour) at age 11 years on youth's cognition at age 15.5 years (inhibition), and academic achievement at 13 years (Key Stage 3), after controlling for academic achievement at age 11 years and habitual PA (and sedentary behaviour) at age 13 and 15.5 years;
RQ 2: What is the effect of the total and accumulated bouts (e.g. greater than 10 minutes) of PA (and time sedentary) at age 11 years on inhibition at age 15.5 years?
RQ3: What is the effect of the total and accumulated bouts (e.g. greater than 10 minutes) of PA (and time sedentary) at age 11 years on academic achievement (in reading, spelling, English, mathematics and science) at age 13 years?
3) and to test complex effects models to elucidate the mediating and moderating effects of CRF and adiposity, on the proposed relationships between habitual PA (and sedentary behaviour) and cognition (selective attention, divided attention, attentional control, working memory and inhibition).
RQ4: Does cardio-respiratory fitness at age 15.5 mediate or moderate the relationship between the total and accumulated bouts (e.g. greater than 10 minutes) of PA (and time sedentary) and cognition (inhibition) at age 15.5 years?
RQ5: Does adiposity at age 11 and 15.5 years mediate or moderate the relationship between the total and accumulated bouts (e.g. greater than 10 minutes) of PA (and time sedentary) and cognitive performance at age 10 years (working memory, inhibition), 11 years (selective attention, divided attention and attentional control) and 15.5 years (inhibition)?
PA and sedentary behaviour will be objectively measured by the Actigraph accelerometer (please refer to Appendix 2A for further details of the proposed use of the accelerometer data). The objective measures of components of executive function most consistently associated with academic outcomes (working memory, inhibition), as well as the measures of attention (selective attention, divided attention and attentional control) will be taken using validated computer and pen and paper tasks. Inhibition will be measured with Stop Signal Task [39] and working memory with a computerised Counting Span Task [40]. The Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEACh) (adapted from the adult version by Robertson [41]) will be employed to test various aspects of attention. Scores from the Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) of the National Curriculum at Key Stages 2 and 3 (after controlling for child's results at Key Stage 1) in mathematics, reading, spelling, English and science will be used as outcome measures of academic achievement. Heart rate taken during an exercise bike session will be used as a proxy measure of cardio-respiratory fitness. Percent body fat will be assessed with the whole Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) and BMI. BMI will be used to classify children into normal weight, overweight and obese categories in accordance with the criteria recommended by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) [42] to test moderating effects model. Biological maturation has been related to body composition [43-47] as well as academic achievement [48, 49] in adolescent boys and girls, and its sequel affects maturation of brain structures involved in cognitive function [50]. Therefore biological maturation will be controlled for in all the analyses. Measures of sexual maturation (stage of pubic hair development in boys and girls, breast development and the onset of menses in girls, and genital development in boys), and somatic maturation (predicted age at peak height velocity (APHV)) will be used as maturity indicators.
There is strong evidence to suggest that very pre-term (<= 33 weeks gestation) and/or very low birth weight (VLBW; <= 1500 g) children have academic difficulties and more subtle cognitive impairments [51]. Recent meta-analysis of neurobehavioural outcomes in very preterm and VLBW children suggests that these effects are especially prominent for academic achievement in mathematics (d= -0.60) and spelling (d= - .76), with medium effect sizes reported for executive function (effect sizes range from
- 0.36 to - 0.57), and attention (effect sizes range from -0.43 to -0.59) [51]. Thus it is important to control for gestational age and weight at birth in the analyses relating to both adolescents' cognition and their academic performance.
Likewise, there is epidemiological evidence linking attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and depression to the declines in cognitive [52, 53] and academic performance in youth [54-57]. Therefore, AD/HD and depression will be controlled for in the analyses based on the scores from the Development and Well-being Assessment (DAWBA, [58]), and, at time points when these are not available, by the hyperactivity score from Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) [59, 60] and a computerised depression questionnaire. Cases with IQ below 85, special educational needs, learning disabilities and physical disabilities will be excluded from the analyses. Please refer to appendix 2C for the exhaustive list of exposure, outcome, and confounding variables, as well as for mediators/moderators and exclusion criteria.
Statistical analyses:
Statistical analyses will include descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlations, and the assessments of mutlicollinearity. Exploratory multiple regression models including all the confounders (age at test, sex, SES, IQ, handedness, gestational age, birth weight, biological maturation, AD/HD, depression, accelerometer wear, adiposity and CRF) and predictors (frequency and duration of light, moderate, moderate to vigorous and vigorous PA, as well as the number of PA bouts, duration and frequency of sedentary time and sedentary bouts) will be first assessed to ensure that the direct relationships exist among PA, cognitive and academic outcomes. To test the mediating effects model (RQ1) the subtracting method as outlined by Judd and Kenny [61] will be employed. This approach allows for testing the significance of the indirect effect as opposed to Barron and Kenny's [62] method. The test of statistical significance for the indirect effect will be based on the method designed by McKinnon et al. [63] and outlined in [64]. To answer research questions 2 and 3, mixed effects models for longitudinal data analysis will be employed [65]. To address research questions 4 and 5, the complex moderating and mediating effects models including CRF and adiposity will be assessed by pathway analyses with Structural Equation Modelling [53].
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63. MacKinnon, D.P., C. Lockwood, and J. Hoffman, A new method to test for mediation. In: The annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research1998: Park City, UT.
64. MacKinnon, D.P., et al., A Comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects. Psychological Methods, 2002. 7(1): p. 83-104.
65. Thorpe, J.I., Joint mixed-effects models for longitudinal data analysis: An application for the metabolic syndrome. In: Biostatistics 2009, Virginia Commonwealth University: Richmond.
B1417 - Longitudinal analyses of accident data in ALSPAC - 16/08/2012
Jessica Flores is a postgraduate student from Vancouver, who has a travel bursary to undertake research on injury in ALSPAC. She will spend 6 months at the Centre for Child and Adolescent Health under supervision of Profs Emond and Towner, and we would like her to undertake some longitudinal analyses of accident data already collected, with outcomes at 16-17yr
We have permissions to access the accident data up to 16, and Rita Doerner has previously been the data buddy. We also wish to include access to the head injury data, previously approved for Emond and Sharples as B482 Mild TBI
This application is to give Jessica Flores permission to access the accident and head injury data whilst in Bristol. She will be working at Oakfield House under the supervision of Emond and Towner, and will not take any dataset back to Canada.
B1416 - Cohort comparison Adiponectin polymorphisms in the Pelotas 1982 cohort and ALSPAC - 16/08/2012
Aims: To replicate findings in the 1982 Pelotas cohort relating to the association of ADIPOQ SNPs and metabolic traits
Hypothesis: Adiponectin (ADIPOQ) polymorphisms are associated metabolic traits in both Pelotas 1982 cohort and ALSPAC.
rs6810075 (ADIPOGEN hit)
rs2241766 (may require imputation)
Total cholesterol
C-reactive protein
Waist circumference
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
The question: Are candidate SNPs in the ADIPOQ gene associated with metbolic traits in the ALSPAC cohort and do associations replicate those observed in the Pelotas 1982 cohort?
The rationale: Early SNP studies in the Pelotas 1982 cohort indicate an association between ADIPOQ SNPs (rs2241766, rs1501299, rs266729) and measures of metabolic health, in particular waist circumference and triglyceride levels. These findings are in accord with the recent multi-ethinc meta-analysis of adiponectin levels and their influence on T2D and metabolic traits [PLoS Genet 2012; 8(3): e1002607], to which ALSPAC contributed, although different SNPs have been analysed in the Pelotas cohort. ALSPAC has the data available to readily undertake a replication of the associations observed in Pelotas thereby adding both power and biological weight to the hypothesis.
SNPs analysed in 1982 Pelotas cohort and relationship to main ADIPOQ SNP reported in recent meta-analysis;
rs6810075 x rs266729, D' 0.956, r2 0.676
rs6810075 x rs1501299, D'0.896, r2 0.172
rs6810075 x rs2241766 (not in HapMap)
rs266729 x rs1501299, D' 0.875, r2 0.121
Analysis plan:
1. Obtain above listed data from ALSPAC, including imputation of SNP (rs2241766) if required
2. Assess associations between listed SNPs and metabolic outcome variable listed, recapiltulating analysis plan already conducted on Pelotas 1982 cohort data
3. Meta-analyse where variables allow
As a parallel activity data will be requested from ADIPOGEN relating to the association of the 1982 Pelotas SNPs to adiponectin levels in the consortium data (both with and without ALSPAC data included)
Nic Timpson has offered to assit with analysis of ALSPAC data.