Proposal summaries

These are research proposals that have been approved by the ALSPAC exec. The titles include a B number which identifies the proposal and the date on which the proposals received ALSPAC exec approval.

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B1466 - Exploring the development of hallucinations paranoia and first rank delusions using latent transition models - 22/11/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Fraenze Kibowski (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland)
Prof Mark Shevlin (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland), Dr Jamie Murphy (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland)
Title of project: 
Exploring the development of hallucinations, paranoia, and 'first rank' delusions using latent transition models
Proposal summary: 

A psychotic-like experience in itself does not confer a specific enough risk in regards to clinically relevant psychosis (4). However, it has been shown that the co-occurrence of hallucinations and delusions increases the risk of subsequent clinical outcomes. The temporal ordering of the occurrence and co-occurrence of specific psychotic-like symptoms has not been examined. This project also aims to establish the association between particular patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence with established risk factors such as a family history of mental illness, substance use, and childhood victimisation. There are three interconnected parts to the analysis which correspond to intended paper publications.

Demographics of developmental trajectories of psychosis

(1) Do homogeneous patterns of psychotic-like symptoms exist for responses at 11.6, 13, 14, and 16.5 years via the PLIKS questionnaire?

(2) Are parental histories of mental illness and substance use disorder, adverse events during pregnancy, and socio-economic variables able to predict 'stayers' and 'movers' in the latent transition model?

Trauma-based antecedents of the developmental trajectories of psychosis

While controlling for previously identified demographic confounders:

(1) When adjusting for IQ and early childhood psychotic disorders, do childhood adversities (such as bullying, death of relative or friend, and emotional cruelty) predict transition?

(2) When adjusting for IQ, early childhood psychotic disorders and childhood adversities, do parental childhood adversities (up to the age of 17) predict transition?

(3) Are there significant associations with any of the transitions when entering time-varying exposure variables into the model, such as social skills, substance use, schizotypy, attachment and moods?

Outcomes and risk profiles for the developmental trajectories of psychosis

(1) What sort of outcomes are associated with specific transitions?


1. Bebbington P, Jonas S, Kuipers E, King M, Cooper C, Brugha T, et al. Childhood sexual abuse and psychosis: data from a cross-sectional national psychiatric survey in England. The British journal of psychiatry?: the journal of mental science [Internet]. 2011 Jul [cited 2011 Oct 26];199:29-37. Available from:

2. Johns LC, Cannon M, Singleton N, Murray RM, Farrell M, Brugha T, et al. Prevalence and correlates of self-reported psychotic symptoms in the British population. The British journal of psychiatry?: the journal of mental science [Internet]. 2004 Oct [cited 2011 Nov 17];185:298-305. Available from:

3. Bendall S, Jackson HJ, Hulbert C a, McGorry PD. Childhood trauma and psychotic disorders: a systematic, critical review of the evidence. Schizophrenia bulletin [Internet]. 2008 May [cited 2011 Aug 7];34(3):568-79. Available from:

4. Linscott RJ, van Os J. Systematic reviews of categorical versus continuum models in psychosis: evidence for discontinuous subpopulations underlying a psychometric continuum. Implications for DSM-V, DSM-VI, and DSM-VII. Annual review of clinical psychology [Internet]. 2010 Apr 27 [cited 2011 Aug 23];6:391-419. Available from:

5. Wigman JTW, van Winkel R, Raaijmakers Q a W, Ormel J, Verhulst FC, Reijneveld S a, et al. Evidence for a persistent, environment-dependent and deteriorating subtype of subclinical psychotic experiences: a 6-year longitudinal general population study. Psychological medicine [Internet]. 2011 Nov [cited 2011 Oct 27];41(11):2317-29. Available from:

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 22 November, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 22 November, 2012
Primary keyword: 

B1462 - The exploration of heritability of facial features Fathers and offspring - 08/11/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Stephen Richmond (University of Cardiff, UK)
Title of project: 
The exploration of heritability of facial features: Fathers and offspring
Proposal summary: 

Aim: The exploration of heredibility of facial features: Fathers and offspring

Hypothesis: Fathers face shape has no influence on the face shape of his offspring

Twin, family and animal studies have suggested that inheritance plays a role in the determination of craniofacial morphology.1-4 Traditional two-dimensional measuring techniques on photographs or lateral skull radiographs tend to be imprecise as landmarks are subject to rotational, positional and magnification errors. However, recent advances in high resolution three-dimensional imaging technologies has provided the opportunity in detailing the spatial relationship of facial landmarks and investigating which genetic variants may be influencing these. However, the evidence for heritability of facial features is not robust and often poorly researched using small samples exhibiting weak associations between parental and offspring with mid father/mother estimates reported as a best predictor for offspring facial parameters.5,6 We will initially focus on facial parameters reported to be associated with known genes. 7,8

1. Kohn, LAP. The Role of Genetics in Craniofacial Morphology and Growth. Annual Review of Anthropology 20, 261-278(1991).

2. Saunders SR, Popovich F, Thompson GW, A family study of craniofacial dimensions in the Burlington Growth Centre sample, American Journal of Orthodontics, Volume 78, Issue 4, October 1980, Pages 394-403.

3. W. Stuart Hunter, Daniel R. Balbach, Donald E. Lamphiear, The heritability of attained growth in the human face, American Journal of Orthodontics, Volume 58, Issue 2, August 1970, Pages 128-134.

4. Johannsdottir B, Thorarinsson F, Thordarson A, Magnusson TE, Heritability of craniofacial characteristics between parents and offspring estimated from lateral cephalograms, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 127, Issue 2, February 2005, Pages 200-207.

5. Nakata M, Yu P, Davis B, Nance WE, The use of genetic data in the prediction of craniofacial dimensions, American Journal of Orthodontics, Volume 63, Issue 5, May 1973, Pages 471-480

6. Nakasima A, Ichinose M, Nakata S, Takahama Y, Hereditary factors in the craniofacial morphology of Angle's Class II and Class III malocclusions, American Journal of Orthodontics, Volume 82, Issue 2, August 1982, Pages 150-156

7. Paternoster L, Zhurov AI, Toma AM, Kemp JP, St Pourcain B, Timpson NJ, McMahon G, McArdle W, Ring SM, Smith GD, Richmond S, Evans DM. Genome-wide association study of three-dimensional facial morphology identifies a variant in PAX3 associated with nasion position. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Mar 9;90(3):478-85.

8. Liu F, van der Lijn F, Schurmann C, Zhu G, Chakravarty MM, Hysi PG, Wollstein A, Lao O, de Bruijne M, Ikram MA, van der Lugt A, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Hofman A, Niessen WJ, Homuth G, de Zubicaray G, McMahon KL, Thompson PM, Daboul A, Puls R, Hegenscheid K, Bevan L, Pausova Z, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Wright MJ, Wicking C, Boehringer S, Spector TD, Paus T, Martin NG, Biffar R, Kayser M. A genome-wide association study identifies five Loci influencing facial morphology in europeans. PLoS Genet. 2012 Sep;8(9):e1002932. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002932.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Face Shape
Primary keyword: 

B1461 - Association study of ANTXR2 capillary morphogenesis gene and TNFR1 with ankylosing spondylitis - 08/11/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Bryan Paul Wordsworth (University of Oxford, UK)
Ms Tugce Karaderi (University of Oxford, UK), Dr Dave Evans (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Association study of ANTXR2 (capillary morphogenesis gene) and TNFR1 with ankylosing spondylitis.
Proposal summary: 

Aims - To replicate and refine previously reported genetic associations of the genes ANTXR2 (otherwise known as CMG2 - capillary morphogenesis factor) and TNFRSF1A (encoding the type 1 TNF receptor) with ankylosing spondylitis (AS).


1) Variants of ANTXR2 have previously been associated with AS in 2 previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS) (Australo-Anglo-American Spondyloarthritis Consortium - TASC 2010, rs4333130, p=9.3 x 10^-8; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium - WTCCC2-TASC meta-analysis, rs4389526, p=9.4 x 10^-8). However, the replication set in the latter study only examined the single top SNP and did not conduct a systematic study of ANTXR2 variants. The discovery set in this study consisted of ~2,000 caucasian AS cases and the majority of significant "hits" were followed up in a large number of cases both of caucasian and other ethnicities using the customised "Immunochip" targeting 200k SNPs of largely immunologic or inflammatory function. Unfortunatley, the Immunochip contained no SNPs covering the ANTXR2 locus. We therefore hypothesise that there should be detectable associations at this locus in an independent set of patients and controls. We have therefore already formally genotyped 9 tagging SNPs across the ANTXR2 gene in a further 3,000 UK cases with AS and now wish to confirm association in an independent set of controls - the ALSPAC cohort. From these data, we shall also be able to impute associations with rare alleles and to refine the likely primary associations of AS with variants at ANTXR2.

2) Variants in LTBR-TNFRSF1A region have already been associated with AS in GWAS (TASC 2010, rs1800693, p=6.9 x 10^-5, WTCCC2-TASC meta-analysis, rs11616188, p=4.1 x 10^-12). Furthermore, variants in TNFRSF1A have also been associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) (Gregory et al., 2012). However, the variant rs1800693 has opposite effects in AS and MS. The G allele of this SNP leads to a splice variant that appears to have an anti-TNF effect. This allele (G) of rs1800693 is therefore, unsurprisingly, protective in AS, whereas it is predisposing in MS (a condition that can be provoked by anti-TNF therapy). It is important to confirm the association of this SNP with AS and analyse its effects further, particularly with respect to responses of AS to anti-TNF therapy and effects on disease severity.

Exposure variable

We have already typed about greater than 5000 cases for SNP across ANTXR2 and have undertaken scrupulous quality checks on the data. We will compare the allele and genotype frequencies in this case dataset to those in the 8365 controls obtained from the ALSPAC cohort. Genotypes of SNPs in regions containing genes ANTXR2 and TNFRSF1A will be used to do statistical tests to detect/confirm possible associations with AS. The precise regions for which data are required for us to be able to undertake this analysis are listed below:

ANTXR2 region (chr4) - 80,000,000 - 88,700,000 (Genome build 37)

LTBR-TNFRSF1A region (chr12) - 6,000,000 - 7,000,000 (Genome build 37)

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Bone, Genetics, Bones
Primary keyword: 

B1459 - Replication of genetic variants 11 and genes 2 influencing relational processing reasoning working memory and IQ - 08/11/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Margaret Wright (Queensland Institute of Medical Research, ROW)
Prof Nick Martin (Queensland Institute of Medical Research, ROW)
Title of project: 
Replication of genetic variants (11) and genes (2) influencing relational processing, reasoning, working memory and IQ
Proposal summary: 

BACKGROUND: Our primary measure of interest is relational complexity, a measure that encapsulates both an individuals's processing capacity and task complexity and is proposed to account for capacity limits found in both reasoning and working memory. At a variance components level, we show that a genetic factor influencing relational complexity accounts for most of the genetic covariation between measures of reasoning and working memory, and further, that there is a strong overlap with IQ. A criterion of our genetic variants of interest was that they must influence variation in all measures (i.e. relational complexity, IQ, reasoning, and working memory), while our genes of interest were the top results for relational complexity and for IQ.

AIM: To assess our most promising genetic variants and genes in independent samples. Two independent groups (the LBC1936 Scottish sample and the NCNG Norwegian sample) have shown some consistency with our findings, but results from a third group (the NTR Netherlands sample) were inconsistent.

HYPOTHESIS: Replicating genetic association and gene-based analyses in multiple independent samples increases the likelihood of avoiding Type 1 (and Type II) error and thereby increases the value of our manuscript.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: genotypes for 99 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) - 11 SNPs are specific genetic variants of interest and the remaining 88 SNPs represent the two genes of interest (list of 99 rs numbers to be provided if application is successful). Note that our genotyping was done using the Illumina HumanHap 610 quad chip (versus HumanHap 550 used by ALSPAC) and it is possible we may need to supply proxies for some SNPs.

DEPENDENT VARIABLES: Matrix Reasoning, WASI IQ (measures available for the other samples: LBC1936 and NCNG both had measures of Matrix Reasoning and IQ, while NTR had a measure of Raven's Progressive Matrices)

(possible) CONFOUNDING VARIABLES: Sex, Age, and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) components as appropriate to the ALSPAC sample to adjust for population stratification

ANALYSES: Genetic association for 99 SNPs for the measures Matrix Reasoning and WASI IQ, with sex, age, and MDS components included as covariates. (NOTE: for a subset of these SNPs (i.e. 88 of 99) the association results will be used to run a gene-based analysis for 2 genes - this analysis to be conducted at QIMR)

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 8 November, 2012
Genetics, Memory
Primary keyword: 

B1453 - Investigating the prenatal origins of ADHD - 26/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Anita Thapar (University of Cardiff, UK)
Dr Stephan Collishaw (University of Cardiff, UK), Dr Kate Langley (University of Cardiff, UK), Dr Ajay Thapar (University of Cardiff, UK), Prof Peter Holmans (University of Cardiff, UK), Prof Michael O'Donovan (University of Cardiff, UK), Prof Michael Owen (University of Cardiff, UK), Dr Caroline Relton (University of Bristol, UK), Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Kate Northstone (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Susan Ring (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Jonathan Mill (King's College London, UK)
Title of project: 
Investigating the prenatal origins of ADHD.
Proposal summary: 


1. Test for associations between prenatal exposures to adversity (toxins and diet) and ADHD (age 7/8) traits.

2. Test for associations between germline genetic variation (identified in large scale case control genetic discovery studies of ADHD diagnosis) and ADHD (age 7/8 traits).

3. Identify epigenetic signatures at birth associated with ADHD.

4. Test if epigenetic signatures index/mediate link between prenatal exposures, genes and ADHD.

5. Use epigenetic signatures to form hypotheses about relevant environmental exposures for ADHD.

6. Identify those at high ADHD risk (those at high genetic/prenatal environmental/epigenetic risk at birth).

7. Identify preschool enrichment factors (diet, care) that modify early ADHD risk.


1. Genetic risks and prenatal exposure to environmental hazards that are indexed by epigenetic signatures alter brain development and increase ADHD risk (at age 7) .

2.Epigenetic and genomic signatures provide clues on biological and environmental risks that might be future targets for early intervention.

3. Birth risks (captured by germline genetic risks, prenatal environment and epigenetic profile) on ADHD are modifiable by postnatal enrichment.


1.Foetal exposure to lead, mercury, other toxins (atrazine available, PCBs to be assayed), maternal cigarette smoking (reported and cotinine levels), alcohol

2.Maternal diet and dietary supplementation

3. Child germline genetic variation-composite of common and rare variants known to be associated with ADHD (via GWAS then exome sequencing).

4. Epigenetic array data from ARIES at birth -cord blood (additional epigenetic micrarray data to be obtained on ADHD cases in ALSPAC who are not in ARIES-this will be costed in)


1. Trait ADHD aged 7/8 asssesed by DAWBA


1. Child diet

2. Early maternal care


1. Sex of child

2. Social class

3. IQ

4. Comorbid conduct/mood problems.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 26 October, 2012
ADHD, Epigenetics
Primary keyword: 

B1458 - RNA-Seq Deep Sequencing and In Vivo Chromatin Studies Identifying Functional Elements Relevant to Reading and Language - 25/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Jeffrey Gruen (Yale University, USA)
Dr Natalie Powers (Yale University, USA), Dr John Eicher (Yale University, USA)
Title of project: 
RNA-Seq, Deep Sequencing, and In Vivo Chromatin Studies Identifying Functional Elements Relevant to Reading and Language.
Proposal summary: 

Aims and Hypotheses

Learning disabilities are disorders characterized by unexpected difficulty with a specific mode of learning, generally with normal IQ and educational opportunity. The most common learning disabilities involve language; the NICHD estimates that 15-20% of Americans have a language-based learning disability. This high prevalence makes academic remediation of these disorders a costly burden to the educational system. The most common learning disabilities by far are dyslexia and language impairment (LI), which are specific deficits in processing and expressing written and spoken language, respectively. Both disorders are highly heritable, and genetic studies over the past three decades have identified a number of risk loci and genes. Because genetic methods have been used almost exclusively, however, nothing is known about how most risk variants exert their effects. Additionally, these risk variants account for little of the known heritability of these disorders; much of it is still 'missing,' which precludes development of a gene-based diagnosis. An effective gene-based diagnostic tool would be useful for early detection of affected individuals, as interventions are far more effective if administered earlier in life. In our current funding period, we reported compelling evidence that BV677278, a polymorphic tandem repeat within an intron of the dyslexia risk gene DCDC2, is a regulatory element that substantially influences reading and verbal language skills. We showed that this element can modulate expression from the DCDC2 promoter, that it binds specifically to the potent transcription factor ETV6, that at least two of its alleles significantly reduce mean reading or language performance, and that these alleles show a synergistic genetic interaction with a known risk allele of KIAA0319 (another known dyslexia risk gene in the same locus, DYX2). We also observed associations between other DYX2 regions, such as C6orf62 and THEM2, indicating that other DYX2 elements contribute to reading and language along with the risk variants in DCDC2 and KIAA0319. Based on these results, we hypothesize that BV677278 directly regulates KIAA0319 and other genes via a regulatory complex containing ETV6, and that the deleterious effects of specific BV677278 alleles are due to differences in target gene expression. We also hypothesize that BV677278 and KIAA0319 are not the only functional variants in the DYX2 locus that influence reading and language. To test these hypotheses, we will address the following specific aims:

Specific Aim 1) Examine the effect of BV677278 on gene expression. Because a BV677278 deletion exists naturally in humans, we can examine the effect of having two, one, or zero copies of BV677278 on gene expression, as well as the effects of different BV677278 genotypes. To this end, we will correlate extant expression microarray data from ~1,000 lymphoblastoid cell lines from ALSPAC subjects with various BV677278 genotypes. Allele frequency of the deletion suggests that there will be at least 7 BV677278-null cell lines. We will also perform RNA-seq on ~100 of these cell lines selected for genotypes of interest, including all BV677278-nulls.

Specific Aim 2) Identify putative regulatory targets that interact with the ETV6-BV677278 complex. We will use chromatin interaction analysis with paired end tagging (ChIA-PET) to find putative regulatory targets that physically interact with the ETV6-BV677278 complex. ChIA-PET allows for an unbiased scan of the genome for physical interactions with this complex, and positive results can be confirmed by chromatin conformation capture (3C). 3C will be used as a backup if ChIA-PET fails, though it will require prior identification of candidate target sequences, informed by our expression study in Aim 1. These experiments will be performed in 20 ALSPAC lymphoblastoid cell lines selected for two, one, and zero BV677278 copies.

Specific Aim 3) Identify additional DYX2 variants independent of the BV677278 regulatory element and the KIAA0319 risk haplotype. Our data suggest that, although BV677278 and the KIAA0319 risk haplotype are important sources of the DYX2 linkage and association with dyslexia, there are other DYX2 variants that contribute risk. To identify these variants and to elucidate their functions, we will exploit the single-base resolution provided by next-generation sequencing, and deep sequence the entire DYX2 locus in 1,000 ALSPAC subjects. We will select these subjects using an extreme phenotypes approach: 250 each of the worst performers on reading and language tasks, respectively, and 250 each of the best performers on those same tasks, respectively. Risk variants will accumulate in specific regions in severely affected individuals and will be assessed for functional implications in gene expression, protein function, and histone modifications.

The overall goal of this proposal is to explore the molecular mechanisms by which genetic variants in the DYX2 locus influence written and verbal language skills and impart heritable risk to dyslexia and LI. Our proposed experiments will elucidate the mechanism of action of BV677278, characterize its synergistic interaction with KIAA0319, identify other regulatory and gene targets of BV677278 that may not have been captured by genetic approaches, and detect other variants in the DYX2 locus that influence reading and language. By expanding our understanding of the biological basis of complex reading and language processes, we hope to open future options for diagnosis and treatment of language-based learning disabilities.

Exposure Variables

RNA, DNA and lymphoblastoid cell lines from ALSPAC subjects will be chosen on the basis of their BV677278 genotype, expression data from the microarray analyses of ALSPAC cell lines, performance on verbal language and reading tasks, IQ, and ancestry.

BV677278 is a hypermutable compound short tandem repeat with more than 30 alleles. A 2,445bp deletion, encompassing BV677278 in its entirety, also exists naturally in humans-individuals heterozygous for this deletion are hemizygous (have only one copy) for BV677278, while individuals homozygous for the deletion are completely BV677278-null (no copies of BV677278 in their genome). Our analyses of the ALSPAC thus far have shown that BV677278 allele 5 is associated with dyslexia and lowered reading skills and that BV677278 allele 6 is associated with language impairment and lowered language skills. Not only did these alleles show association with their respective phenotypes, their effects were strong enough to significantly reduce mean performance on reading tasks in the case of allele 5, and language tasks in the case of allele 6, in carriers vs. non-carriers. Additionally, we found that BV677278 interacts synergistically with a known risk variant in the other dyslexia gene in DYX2, KIAA0319, to adversely affect several reading, language, and cognitive phenotypes [Powers et al., submitted]. We also showed that BV677278 specifically binds a nuclear protein and is capable of modulating expression from the DCDC2 promoter [Meng et al., 2011]. We identified this protein that binds to BV677278 as the potent transcription factor and proto-oncogene ETV6 [Powers et al., submitted]. In our aims, we propose to take advantage of the BV677278 microdeletion and the various BV677278 genotypes by comparing RNA-sequencing, deep sequencing of the DYX2 locus, and chromatin studies in lymphoblastoid cell lines with two, one, or no copies (control) of BV677278, and with various alleles that we have so far found to be deleterious to language and reading (alleles 5 and 6).

Outcome Variables

For Aim 1, the outcome of RNA-sequencing will show quantitative expression data (number of cDNA transcripts) from subjects with different BV677278 genotypes. We will be able to compare expression from subjects with two, one, or no copies of BV677278, as well as with BV677278 genotypes of interest, especially alleles 5 and 6. By sequencing 100 selected ALSPAC subjects, we will be able to adjust for intra-subject and inter-subject variation. We will also be able to compare RNA-sequence results with the extant ALSPAC microarray data. We intend to perform RNA-sequence at a high resolution (approximately two samples per flow-cell lane on the Illumina Hi-Seq platform), which should enable us to detect differences in splice variants as well.

For Aim 2, the outcome of the CHiA-PET chromatin studies will be next-generation sequence data of fusion fragments. If successful, one half of the fragment should contain sequence from BV677278, and the other half from putative target genes (under BV677278 transcriptional control) located elsewhere in the DYX2 locus (cis) and beyond (trans). Bioinformatics analysis will be able to differentiate cis from trans elements. Within the DYX2 locus we will be especially looking for fusion fragments containing sequence from the KIAA0319 risk haplotype or promoter region, as well as other possible regulatory elements in the region. Outside DYX2, we will use existing annotation from publically available resources such as JASPAC, ENCODE, and ENSEMBL and in vitro transcriptional reporter assays to inform us whether we have hit transcriptional control elements and target genes that may be relevant to language and reading.

For Aim 3, the outcome of deep sequencing of the 1.5MB DYX2 locus will be variants, known and unknown, distributed throughout the locus. Here we will be looking for clusters of variants in putative regulatory regions such as the DCDC2 promoter, the KIAA0319 promoter, and promoters from other genes that appear to influence reading and language. Analysis for this outcome will be somewhat empirical in terms of setting cluster boundaries and significance, and will depend on the frequency of variants that we see, and whether hits are in areas of LD with SNPs previously shown to be associated with reading, language, or cognition, or that have putative functional roles or show evolutionary conservation.

Confounding Variables

A significant confounder for these experiments will be the heterogeneous genetic background of the subjects, and consequently the lymphoblastoid cell lines, we will use. We will try to minimize the effects of genetic background by restricting studies to subjects of European ancestry, by comparing outcomes from subjects that have the same BV677278 genotypes, and by utilizing population structure metrics already calculated in genome-wide association studies completed at ALSPAC.

There are inherent biases in the techniques we have selected to use in our studies. Therefore,we intend to confirm all novel variants identified by next-generation sequencing results with Sanger sequencing, and all putative physical interactions identified via CHiA-PETwith chromatin conformation capture (3C). We will also use luciferase-reporter experiments to confirm function of novel putative regulatory elements identified by sequencing or the chromatin studies

Materials Requested and Selection Criteria:

1) RNA: We request 5 micrograms (concentration ~50 nanogram/microliter) of RNA from 100 selected subjects for RNA-sequencing. Subject selection will be informed by the results of our genotyping of the BV677278 element and the analysis of the microarray expression data (pending). The goal in subject selection is to identify subjects with BV677278 genotypes of interest, specifically alleles previously related to reading and language performance and the presence/absence of the BV677278 element (del/del and del/+), and to correlate their relationship with global gene expression.

2) Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines: We request 20 lymphoblastoid cell lines from selected subjects for in vivo chromatin studies. Subject selection will be informed by BV677278 genotype, particularly the presence/absence of the BV677278 element and risk alleles (e.g. alleles 5 and 6).

3) DNA: Depending on availability, we request 1-3 micrograms (concentration ~100 nanogram/microliter) of cell line-derived DNA from 1,000 selected subjects for deep sequencing of the 1.5MB of the DYX2 locus. Subject selection will be contingent on past performance on selected language and reading tasks in the ALSPAC at ages 7, 8 and 9 years. We will select subjects using an extreme phenotypes approach: 250 each of the worst performers on reading and language tasks, respectively, and 250 each of the best performers on those same tasks, respectively.

Performance Sites

All non-sequencing experiments will be performed in Dr. Gruen's lab at the Yale Child Health Research Center. This includes all the chromatin studies (CHiA-PET and 3C) and any cell culture that will be required, DNA extraction, and PCR.

All sequencing, next-generation and conventional Sanger sequencing, sequence alignment and annotation, will be performed at the Yale Center for Genome Analysis and The W.M. Keck Foundation Biotechnology Resource Laboratory at Yale. Analysis of aligned and annotated sequence results will be performed in Dr. Gruen's lab at the Yale Child Health Research Center.

Security and Storage of Information and Materials

ALSPAC phenotype, genotype, and sequence information are stored on Yale networked/secured desktop computers only. No ALSPAC data are downloaded to computers that are not connected to the Yale network. No ALSPAC data are downloaded onto thumb drives, peripheral drives, or laptop computers that are not directly connected to the Yale network. No ALSPAC data may be shared with collaborators other than those that have been approved by ALSPAC. In addition, there is no identifying information with phenotype, genotype or sequence information that could link them with a specific ALSPAC subject.

RNA and DNA are stored in -70degree freezers in Dr. Gruen's lab in the Yale Child Health Research Center (464 Congress Avenue). Doors to the lab are locked and accessible by key entry only. Access to the Yale Child Health Research Center is restricted to Yale employees, students, and post-docs who work in the Center. In addition there is no identifying information recorded on the RNA/DNA tubes that could link the material with a specific ALSPAC subject.

Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL's) are stored in liquid nitrogen freezers in the Yale Child Health Research Center. Active cultures are stored in CO2 incubators in dedicated facilities in the Center. Access to the Yale Child Health Research Center is restricted to Yale employees, students, and post-docs who work in the Center. In addition there is no identifying information recorded on the cell culture flasks or storage vials that could link the material with a specific ALSPAC subject.

Data Sharing

Per ALSPAC protocol, all data generated in the course of this research will be returned to the ALSPAC within 12 months of its generation.

Ethical Considerations

The main ethical concerns of this proposed research are 1) protection of subject privacy, 2) security and storage of information and materials, 3) serendipitous identification of potentially important health information, and 4) subject withdrawal from the study.

1) Protection of Subject Privacy

Per ALSPAC protocol, all materials and information from ALSPAC is stripped of any identifiers that could possibly link them with a specific subject prior to being sent to collaborators. There is a theoretical possibility that whole genome sequencing or whole exome sequencing could identify an exceedingly rare phenotype that could be traced to a specific subject in the ALSPAC. However, we will not be performing either whole genome or whole exome sequencing on any subject DNA in this proposal. Furthermore, there are no known syndromes, rare or common, that could become known to us by deep sequencing the DYX2 locus. Therefore the risk of violating subject privacy through this research is minimal.

2) Security and Storage of Information and Materials

All information and data obtained during the proposed studies will be stored on Yale-maintained servers with security maintained by Yale University networks. Please see details in the above security section.

3) Serendipitous Identification of Potentially Important Health Information

In the course of deep sequencing the 1.5 megabases (MB) of the DYX2 dyslexia locus on 6p22, it is theoretically possible that we could identify a translocation that could suggest risk of malignancy. The 1.5MB we propose to sequence has been well defined in terms of coding regions and genes. It does not contain any oncogenes or proto-oncogenes or sequences previously described as causing malignancies. However, a recent report by Longoni et al. (2012) suggests that DCDC2 could be a novel oncogenic target of the ETS transcription factor ESE3/EHF. In this study the authors found that DCDC2 was aberrantly expressed in 53 malignant prostate tumors, but absent in 10 normal control prostates. They conclude that the ETS transcription factor ESE3/EHF, which is expressed in normal prostate and frequently lost in prostate tumors, maintained DCDC2 repressed by binding to a novel identified ETS binding site in the DCDC2 gene promoter. The authors do not report that genomic rearrangements, mutations, or RNA splice variants involving DCDC2 were the cause of prostatic malignancies or contributed to drug resistance, but a translocation could theoretically remove DCDC2 repression by separating DCDC2 from its regulatory element.

The risk of serendipitously finding a genomic rearrangement or mutation in the DYX2 locus that could increase the risk of malignancy is extremely small. However, should we find any genomic rearrangement, mutation, or splice variant, in the course of deep sequencing DYX2 that could suggest even a small increased risk of malignancy, we will report it to the ALSPAC within 6 months of identifying it. It will then be ALSPAC's responsibility to decide whether to share the information with a subject or for any further action.

4) Subject Withdrawal from the Study

In the event that we are notified by the ALSPAC that a donor-subject has withdrawn from the study, we will destroy any biomaterials we have received, including DNA, RNA, or lymphoblastoid cell lines. Since all information, genotypes, and variables are de-identified we don't expect that these would need to be deleted. However, we will delete any data if directed to do so by the ALSPAC. The Yale Human Investigation Committee will oversee this procedure.

Oversight of Protection of Human Subjects

All human subject research at Yale is under the oversight of the Yale Human Investigation Committee (HIC). Protocols describing protection of human subjects in detail must be reviewed and approved by the Yale HIC prior to applying for any funding, federal or private, or submission of results for publication. All prior research with the ALSPAC, including this proposal, has been submitted for review by the Yale HIC.


Cho K, Frijters JC, Zhang H, Miller LL, Gruen JR. Prenatal exposure to nicotine and impaired reading performance. The Journal of Pediatrics, in press.

Eicher JD, Powers NR, Cho K, Miller LL, Mueller K, Ring SM, Tomblin JB, Gruen JR. Associations of prenatal nicotine exposure and the dopamine related genes ANKK1/DRD2 to verbal language, manuscript in preparation.

Longoni N, Kunderfranco P, Pellini S, Albino D, Mello-Grand M, Pinton S, D'Ambrosio G, Sarti M, Sessa F, Chiorino G, Catapano CV, Carbone, GM. (2012) Aberrant expression of the neuronal-specific protein DCDC2 promotes malignant phenotypes and is associated with prostate cancer progression. Oncogene doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.245 (epub ahead of print)

Meng H, Smith SD, Hager K, Held M, Liu J, Olson RK, Pennington B, DeFries JC, Gelernter J, O'Reilly-Pol T, Somlo S, Skudlarski P, Shaywitz SE, Shaywitz BA, Marchione K, Wang Y, Paramasivam M, LoTurco JJ, Page GP, Gruen JR. DCDC2 is associated with reading disability and modulates neuronal development in the brain, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102: 17053-17058, 2005. PMID 16278297

Meng H, Powers NR, Tang L, Cope NA, Zhang P-X, Fuleihan R, Gibson C, Page GP, Gruen JR. A dyslexia-associated variant in DCDC2 changes gene expression. Behavior Genetics 2011 Jan;41(1):58-66.

Powers NR, Eicher JD, Butter F, Kong Y, Miller LL, Ring SM, Mann M, Gruen JR. Alleles of a Rapidly-Evolving ETV6 Binding Site in DCDC2 Confer Risk of Reading and Language Impairment, submitted.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Genetics, Speech and Language, Speech & Language
Primary keyword: 

B1457 - How do individual and area deprivation get under the skin place effects epigenetic changes in respiratory health - 25/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Bruna Galobardes (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Caroline Relton (University of Bristol, UK), Prof Kate Tilling (University of Bristol, UK), Prof John Henderson (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
How do individual and area deprivation get under the skin: "place" effects & epigenetic changes in respiratory health.
Proposal summary: 


The objectives of this proposal are:

1) Determine when an independent (of individual socioeconomic characteristics) association between early life area deprivation and lung function, doctor diagnosis of asthma and atopy phenotypes in children at ages 7-9 and 15-17 years emerges.

2) Determine specific area deprivation domains and the individual level life course exposures that mediate an association found in objective 1.

3) Determine whether there is a higher or differential DNA methylation in children of low compared to high parental SEP, and in children living in the worse compared to the least deprived areas (independent of individual level SEP) at 3 points in time (birth, 7, 15-17 years).

4) To investigate whether epigenetic changes found in objective 3 could mediate the association between individual and area deprivation with respiratory-related health outcomes


Study participants. ALSPAC is a prospective birth cohort that followed offspring of 14,541 pregnant women resident in the county of Avon with an expected date of delivery between 1st April 1991 and 31st December 1992, from the time of the pregnancy to age 15-17 for this project) ( The study catchment area has a population of 1 million and includes de city of Bristol (0.5 million) with a mixture of rural areas, inner city deprivation, affluent suburbs and moderate sized towns. The cohort of Alspac has been extensively phenotyped and there is a detailed characterization of risk factors and exposures through medical and other administrative records, questionnaires and clinic visits carried out from pregnancy: 4 maternal and 2 partner's questionnaires during pregnancy; 17 mother's, 15 partner's and 23 child-based questionnaires during childhood; with children starting to respond questionnaire form the age of 7y. Since the age of 7y all children were invited to biannual hand-on assessments. DNA has been collected at multiple time points from parents and children. We detail here the measures that are relevant to this project.

Assessment of respiratory health and allergies: The main outcome measures are: 1) Lung function obtained through spirometry at ages 8-9y and 15-17y (FVC, FEV1, FEF25-75); 2) asthma (doctor's diagnosis of asthma at ages 8y and 15y); 3) atopy (Skin Prick test at age 7y and 15y); and, 3) combined asthma and atopy phenotypes which classify children into No asthma and no atopy (reference group), asthma alone, asthma with atopy and atopy alone (see work leading to this project for the socioeconomic patterning at individual level of these phenotypes). Secondary outcomes will include: wheezing phenotypes from birth until age 7 years which classify children based on their patterns of wheezing over time, bronchial reactivity measured with methacoline challenge at age 8y and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) concentrations to asses airway inflammation at age 15y.

Assessment of individual socioeconomic position (SEP) and area-level deprivation: These are the main exposures in this project and will be indexed with a variety of indicators aiming to capture all different aspects of this construct67,68. Individual-level SEP is based on education (maternal and paternal), occupational class (maternal and paternal), household income, housing tenure and car access measured during pregnancy, ages 7-8y and 18y. We will analyze specific indicators to evaluate distinct pathways and a composite SEP index, aimed at capturing all different aspects of this construct, obtained with factor analysis. Area-level deprivation measured during 1) Pregnancy: Townsend index of area deprivation derived form 1990 census data at ward level already available in Alspac data (includes indicators of unemployment, overcrowding, car access and home ownership); 2) Two occasions in childhood at ages 8 and 16y based on the Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) 2004 (mostly constructed with 2000 and 2001 data) and 2010 (mostly based with 2008 data) at the Lower layer Super Output Area which has a minimum population of 1000 and a mean population of 1500. The Health domain of the IMD will be excluded to avoid having a marker of health in the exposure variable.

Specific area deprivation domains. The role of specific area attributes will be assessed analysing separately the deprivation domains included in the 2004 and 2010 IMD: Living environment (includes 'indoors' living environment with quality of housing and the 'outdoors' living environment through measures of air quality and road traffic accidents); barriers to housing and services (overcrowding, homelessness, difficulty to access owner occupation; distance to GP, supermarkets, and other services); income domain (including the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2008), employment domain (considers people of working age who are involuntarily excluded from the world of work, either through unemployment. ill health or family circumstances) (indexed through training and education domain, employment domain), education skills and training domain (which includes two sub-domains: one relating to lack of attainment among children and young people and one relating to lack of qualifications in terms of skills and captures the educational disadvantage of an area); Crime domain (rate of recorded crime for four major crime themes - burglary, theft, criminal damage and violence).

Other area characteristics: Population density (small-area measure of population density, in quintiles); rurality using DEFRA categorisations: 1) urban, rural types (town and fringe, village or hamlet and dispersed); 2)Predominantly urban, predominantly rural, significant rural69; and, length of residence in an area.

Perceived neighbourhood characteristics obtained from maternal self-reported of neighbourhood characteristics will include perceived neighbourhood quality, perceived social problems (crime and disorder), opinion of neighbourhood (good/fairly good/not good/bad) measured during gestation, 2, 5 7, 10 and 17 years.

Assessment of potential confounding, mediating or effect modifying individual level factors: a unique characteristic of Alspac is the extensive information available on a wide range of potential mediating and confounding factors measured since pregnancy and repeatedly throughout the life course of the participating children and their parents. Confounders will include child's age and assay/batch number for epigenetic analysis. All other variables will be considered, a priori, factors that can mediate the association between deprivation and the health outcome. These will include: birth weight; life course exposure to tobacco smoke will be characterized with "in utero" exposure (self-report of maternal smoking during pregnancy), exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) during childhood through maternal report of child's ETS exposure and blood cotinine levels at age 8y and 15y, child's self-report of smoking initiation at 15y; height and body mass index trajectories throughout childhood; physical activity measured with uniaxial accelerometer at 11, 13, 15 & 17y follow-up; housing characteristics including mould, humidity and temperature in several rooms of the house through maternal and child self-report questionnaire; pet ownership and exposure to pests measured through maternal and child self-report at several points in childhood.

Asssessment of DNA epigenetic changes. DNA has been stored from mothers and children at multiple time points. This is being used by ARIES, a BBSRC-funded resource, to generate epigenomic information based on peripheral blood leucocyte DNA at multiple time points across the lifecourse ( ARIES generates large scale genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of 1000 mother-child pairs measured at pregnancy, birth, age 7y and 15-17y through a Human Illumina 450K array. Illumina 450K data is processed using Illumina's Genome Studio Software. In-assay controls for each stage of the Infinum process are included on the array and analysed for quality prior to data export. Summary statistics of array-wide beta and intensity value are checked to ensure the assay is performing as required. The betas (proportion methylated) for each probe location and probe intensities are then exported. In addition to the measures available through ARIES we seek funding in this project to measure methylation in xxx children in total. To maximize the statistical power to find a difference in the proportion of methylation we will sample xxx children living in the most deprived quartile area and xxx living in the least deprived area at each 3 points in time (see power calculations: pending linking with methylation data). These measures will be obtained following the same ARIES protocol described above.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Childhood Adversity, Epigenetics , Respiratory
Primary keyword: 

B1456 - Is television viewing associated with depression and antisocial behaviour in adolescents - 25/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Markand Patel (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof Glyn Lewis (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Nicola Wiles (University of Bristol, UK), Prof Matt Hickman (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Is television viewing associated with depression and antisocial behaviour in adolescents?
Proposal summary: 


Television Exposure

A systematic review in 2006 reported that young people watched on average 1.8-2.8 hours of TV per day, however 28% watched more than 4 hours and these were more likely to remain in the high viewing category at older ages.(1) Despite the development of various media technologies over the past 10 years, television content remains at the forefront of total media exposure in young people. It is now accessible through live and scheduled broadcasting, 'On Demand', recorded time shifted programming, online content via computers, mobile phones or other portable devices. More recent statistics have shown that television content exposure accounts for a daily average of 4 hours and 39 minutes across all these platforms. (2)

In the UK there are an average of 2.4 televisions per household,(3) which has risen over the last 10 years, with over 96% of homes having access to digital television.(4) In 2002 58% of UK children aged between 4-9 years had a television set in their bedroom, which rose to 79% of those aged 10-15 years old.(5)

Effects of television

Studies have shown that television viewing in adolescence can provide information on safe health practices, encourage social connections and behaviours. However there are concerns about its effects on aggression, sexual behaviour, substance use, self-image, social behaviour, physical health, life satisfaction and academic attainment. It has been recognised that television viewing does not require any special physical or cognitive abilities and does not require coordination with other people, therefore has a low or non-existent entry barrier compared to other leisure activities. It provides entertainment which is seen as an immediate benefit and the immediate costs appear negligible or are not predicted at all. Many of the associated costs do not result immediately, rather they take longer to appear for example the effects on sleep, material aspirations and consequences of a lack of investment in social contacts, education or career.(6)

Much of the knowledge we obtain about the world is indirect, through fictional or true accounts and experiences of others on television rather than our own experiences.(7) It has been suggested through Cultivation theory that messages obtained through television exposure on a frequent basis, whether accurate or not, makes up an individual's knowledge and affects their perceptions and behaviours.(7-9) Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to these messages, which can comprise of violence, sexuality, body image distortion, objectification and adverse health messages including alcohol, tobacco and illicit substance use, and it is more difficult for them to discriminate between what they see and reality.(10-13) However, children and adolescents are also able to learn pro-social content from television viewing and then generalise that learning to real-life situation, to produce helping behaviour, friendliness, imagination, racial and ethnic tolerance and respect for elders.(14-16)

A high amount of television viewing also displaces time spent in important developmental activities such as reading, problem-solving, homework, hobbies and interactions with parents, siblings and friends, and shown to be associated with attachment problems, social ability issues and attention issues.(17) In adults, it is suggested that excessive television viewing promotes social isolation and therefore hinders the development of social support networks and coping abilities, affecting mental health of individuals.(18)

Effects on mental health and behaviour

One longitudinal study has shown an association between television exposure in adolescence and increased depressive symptoms in young adulthood.(19) Television was most closely linked to depression compared to other media content such as videocassettes, computer games or radio, however this study did not adjust for physical activity.(19) Depressive symptoms have been associated with increased television viewing in other studies, although data shows that physical activity can be unrelated to depressive symptoms,(20) whereas it has also shown to be a protective factor.(21) In children, one study has shown that a greater amount of television viewing was associated with psychological difficulties irrespective of physical activity or sedentary time.(22)

Adolescents with a television set in their bedroom were shown to have fewer family meals, poorer school performance and had higher screen time exposure.(23) This exposure is negatively associated with health-promoting behaviours such as life appreciation, health responsibility, social support and exercise behaviour(24) and a risk factor for school life dissatisfaction and anxiety.(21) Anxiety and symptoms of psychological trauma has also been seen in children with greater television exposure.(25) A greater percentage of nightmares and separation anxiety was experienced in children witnessing distressing content on television, with 38% of them experiencing an increase in distress symptoms.(26) Several studies have shown that an increase in television viewing and in particular before going to bed affected sleep times, disturbances and sleepiness in children,(10, 27-30) which may contribute to mental and cognitive dysfunction.(31)

It is proposed that unrealistic ideals of attractiveness are transmitted through the media resulting in body dissatisfaction; a study concluded that idealised commercials led to an immediate impact on negative mood and appearance comparison for both sexes, with an increased body dissatisfaction for girls.(32) These recurrent episodes of dissatisfaction may accumulate over time leading to a longer-term body image dissatisfaction.(33) Music videos in particular have a high content of visual and auditory messages and have shown to bring about body dissatisfaction.(12) A meta-analysis by Groesz showed that body image was more strongly negative for female adolescents after viewing slender ideals in the media.(34) Another study showed that those who watched television content about cosmetic surgery wanted to alter their own appearance using the similar methods more than those not exposed to this content.(35)

High levels of television viewing leads to crowding out of activities which have a positive effect on happiness, such as time spent with friends and collegues.(36) In adults, it has been associated higher levels of loneliness, hopelessness, shyness, feelings of failure and guilt, depression and eating disorders; in addition to lower levels of self-esteem, weight satisfaction, perceived attractiveness and life satisfaction.(30,37) Particular television content also appears to directly affect mental health, especially news content which individuals are exposed to frequently,(38) which have shown to intensify depressed moods.(39) Heavy television viewers tended to overestimate crime rates, show more anxiety,(40) have less trust in others,(41,42) overestimate the affluence of others,(43) have higher material aspirations(44) and rate their own relative income lower,(46) leading to a lower subjective well-being.(47)

In adults who are experiencing stress, mood management theory predicts television is used to ameliorate moods or block anxious thoughts.(39,48) Stress is associated with an increase in self-reported television viewing in and adults(48) and in adolescents as a coping strategy.(49) In children, stress has been associated with an increased amount of television viewing in children who usually watched a greater amount of television.(50)

Effects on physical health

Television viewing in children and adolescents has shown to be associated with poor fitness, being overweight, smoking and raised cholesterol in adulthood, thus having long-term adverse effects on health.(51) Those adolescents with a television set in their bedroom undertook less physical activity, and had poorer dietary habits including higher consumption of foods containing sugar on a daily basis while watching television or as a result of advertisements.(23,52) The act of sitting itself had been studied and has been shown to lead to changes in resting glucose levels, blood pressure and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease and cancer.(53)

Anti-social behaviour

It has been shown that media exposure is associated with increased violence and aggressive behaviour, more high-risk behaviours such as substance use and earlier onset of sexual activity.(54) In children as young as three years of age, television exposure has shown an increased tendency to exhibit aggressive behaviour.(25,55) A television violence study has shown that nearly two-thirds of all programmes contained violence, with children's shows containing the most.(56) A longitudinal study found that watching violent television content as a young child was also associated with antisocial behaviour several years later in boys 7-10 years old.(57) One RCT showed that an intervention to reduce television viewing decreased aggressive behaviour in school children, supporting the causal influences of television content on aggression.(58) In adolescents the time spent viewing television content increased the likelihood of subsequent aggressive acts against others.(59) Nearly a quarter of music videos portrayed violence and weapon carrying,(60) and higher alcohol consumption and violent behaviour has been observed in teens from the effect of music videos, particularly from violent lyrics.(61,62) However, studies are not entirely consistent and some show no association between television violence and youth violence and aggression.(63,64)


1. To examine the association between amount of television viewing in childhood/adolescence and depression in adolescents.

2. To examine the association between amount of television viewing in childhood/adolescence and antisocial behaviour in adolescents.


We hypothesise that adolescents who watched a greater amount of television in childhood or adolescence are more likely to show depressive symptoms and exhibit antisocial behaviour in adolescence. There are likely to be multiple reasons for the association of depression with television viewing including the displacement of time from more important developmental and social activities, certain television content causing distress/anxiety and poor sleep, unreal ideals of attractiveness and life dissatisfaction. Television viewing may also be used to ameliorate mood, block anxious thoughts or as a coping mechanism for stress. Regarding antisocial behaviour, the Cultivation theory predicts that through television content, frequent exposure to messages of violence can affect perceptions and behaviour in children and adolescents.

Exposure and outcome variables:

Exp: Self-reported television viewing at age 16

Out: Depressive symptoms and anti-social behaviour at age 18

Exp: Self-reported television viewing at ages 14 and 16

Out: Depressive symptoms and antisocial behaviour at ages 16 and 18

Exp: Depressive symptoms and antisocial behaviour at ages 14 and 16

Out: Self-reported television viewing at age 16

Exp: Parent-reported television viewing at ages 4, 5, 6, and 9 - Weekday, weekend, school day and holidays to create daily average

Out: Depressive symptoms and antisocial behaviour at ages 14, 16 and 18

Confounding variables:

Physical activity, BMI, previous depression, socio-economic indicators, major life events, substance misuse, gender, maternal depression, completion of school and educational achievement, parental education, neglect, parental abuse, early violence, neighbourhood violence, early antisocial behaviour.


The main outcomes could be treated either as a binary or continuous variable. However, both depressive symptom scores and antisocial behaviour do not have normally distributed frequencies so our primary analysis will use logistic regression with binary outcomes. We will use the logistic regression model to adjust for confounding variables.


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17. Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, DiGiuseppe DL, McCarty CA. Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children. Pediatrics. 2004 Jan 4;113(4):708-13.

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23. Barr-Anderson DJ, Berg PVD, Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M. Characteristics Associated With Older Adolescents Who Have a Television in Their Bedrooms. Pediatrics. 2008 Jan 4;121(4):718-24.

24. Chen M-Y, Liou Y-M, Wu J-Y. The Relationship Between TV/Computer Time and Adolescents' Health-Promoting Behavior: A Secondary Data Analysis. Journal of Nursing Research March 2008. 2008;16(1):75-85.

25. Singer MI, Slovak K, Frierson T, York P. Viewing preferences, symptoms of psychological trauma, and violent behaviors among children who watch television. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998 Oct;37(10):1041-8.

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28. Van den Bulck J. Television viewing, computer game playing, and Internet use and self-reported time to bed and time out of bed in secondary-school children. Sleep. 2004 Feb 1;27(1):101-4.

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30. Hammermeister J, Brock B, Winterstein D, Page R. Life Without TV? Cultivation Theory and Psychosocial Health Characteristics of Television-Free Individuals and Their Television-Viewing Counterparts. Health Communication. 2005;17(3):253-64.

31. Dworak M, Schierl T, Bruns T, Struder HK. Impact of singular excessive computer game and television exposure on sleep patterns and memory performance of school-aged children. Pediatrics. 2007 Nov;120(5):978-85.

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62. Brummert Lennings HI, Warburton WA. The effect of auditory versus visual violent media exposure on aggressive behaviour: The role of song lyrics, video clips and musical tone. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2011 Jul;47(4):794-9.

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64. Ferguson C, San Miguel C, Hartley R. A multivariate analysis of youth violence and aggression: the influence of family, peers, depression, and media violence. Journal of Pediatrics. 2009 Dec;155(6):904-8.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Primary keyword: 

B1455 - Nutritional genetic and epigenetic contributions to blood pressure and cardiovascular disease - 25/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Kaitlin Wade (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Nic Timpson (University of Bristol, UK), Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Nutritional, genetic and epigenetic contributions to blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Proposal summary: 


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of world-wide mortality, with more than 42 million people1 affected by forms of the disease including stroke, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. In 2008, an estimated 17.3 million people died from CVD, representing more than 30% of all global deaths2. Hypertension is a major risk factor for CVD3 and causes ~50% of ischemic heart disease and increases the risk of stroke4. The World Health Organisation estimates hypertension to contribute to 7.1 million deaths every year2, where the prevalence was estimated to be 40% in adults over 25 years old in 20082. Hypertension becomes a greater risk for CVD with age, where systolic blood pressure (SBP) becomes of an important predictor of CVD risk4.

Dietary sodium intake is one of the most common and important risk factors for hypertension5-8. Combinations of observational studies9,10, clinical trials11,12 and meta-analyses13-15 have shown a positive association between salt intake and sodium excretion with blood pressure (BP) and hypertension risk16.

Conducted in 1988, the clinical study INTERSALT17 found that sodium excretion was positively associated with SBP within 10,079 men and women aged 20-59 across 48 centres from 32 countries. The estimated effect of 100mmol/d lower dietary sodium intake corresponded to a 2.2mmHg lower average population SBP17-19. The World Heart Federation estimates that a universal reduction in dietary sodium intake of about 1g a day (approximately 3g of salt) would lead to a 50% reduction in required hypertensive treatment, 22% fewer deaths resulting from strokes and 16% fewer deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD)20.

A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)13 identified seven studies where reductions in sodium excretion of between 27-39mmol/24h were associated with a decrease in SBP of 1-4mmHg. However, there was no strong evidence supporting decreases in CVD morbidity with salt restriction.

Animal models have shown an association between high salt intake and risk of hypertension. For example, chimpanzees fed a diet containing 35 versus 120mmol of sodium per day had significantly lower BP21. And after introducing a diet containing ~248mmol of sodium per day for 2 years, subsequent reduction to ~126mmol of sodium per day reduced BP compared to animals maintained on an increased salt diet21. Additionally, Dahl salt-sensitive rats fed on a high NaCl diet have a greater rise in BP compared with salt-resistant rats fed on the same diet22. Within 3 generations of selection, the salt-sensitive rats and salt-resistant rat strains show clear differences, suggesting that salt sensitivity is inherited.

However, some studies have also shown negative results suggesting that low salt intake could even be harmful23-25, highlighting the inconsistencies within this area. Moreover, observational studies are known to suffer from bias, confounding and reverse causation, potentially providing misleading results, which could prove costly when identifying specialised drug targets for reducing the prevalence of CVD. CVD is a complex trait, where the maintenance of BP is influenced by multiple environmental and genetic determinants, as well as their interactions.

The mechanisms underlying the relationship between dietary salt intake and BP are many and complex, achieved by paracrine, neural, endocrine and systematic control. For example, once plasma volume decreases, renin is released from the juxtaglomerular cells (JGCs) within the kidney and activates the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Renin transforms angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (ANG I), which is then converted to ANG II by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)26. ANG II then stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone (Aldo), which stimulates sodium and water absorption through many mechanisms, restoring plasma volume. Another pathway involves transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), where excess salt intake rapidly increases endothelial production of TGF-beta, causing arterial stiffness, peripheral vasoconstriction and arterial hypertension27. Nitric oxide (NO) normally counterbalances the effects of TGF-beta, but is depleted in salt-sensitive individuals, increasing susceptibility to hypertension. Salt-sensitivity involves a genetic defect, combined with renal injury and other environmental factors. Therefore, in genetically predisposed individuals, high salt intake reduces renal vascular function and increases the risk of hypertension27.

The prevalence and complexity of CVD has driven genetic studies that identify genes associated with sodium/water homeostasis and exploit the properties of these variants with the hope to develop greater understanding the pathways of salt-induced high BP and salt-sensitive hypertension.

GenSalt28,29 is a prospective intervention study in rural China of 3,153 participants in 658 families, with untreated pre-hypertension or hypertension. The study has identified many candidate genes for the underlying pathway explaining the association between salt intake and BP. These genes encompass the renin-angiotensin system (REN, AGT, AT2R1/2, ACE, RENBP, ACE2, APLN and AGTRL1), the aldosterone system (CYP11B1/2, MLR and HSD11B1/2), and the endothelial system (ET1/EDN1, NOS3 and SELE), epithelial sodium channels (ENaC, SCNN1B and SCNN1G)29. Additional genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified more than 47 genetic variants at 40 loci associated with BP and hypertension risk30-41. Additionally, 8 genetic variants have been associated with BP in more than 25,000 individuals: at the MTHFR-NPPB, AGT, NPR3, HFE, NOS3, LSP1/TNNT3, SOX6 and ATP2B1 loci3. Using a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, the International Consortium for Blood Pressure GWAS on SBP, DBP and hypertension risk identified 29 loci robustly associated with BP, 16 of which were novel. Of these, six loci contained genes previously thought to regulate BP: GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-c5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2 and GNAS-EDN3) and revealed ten new loci providing clues on BP aetiology including SLC4A7, SLC39A8, MOV10, EBF1 and JAG1. However, these only explain a small amount of the heritability of this trait.

Much effort has focused on understanding the 'missing heritability' in complex traits such as CVD, which can be attributable to small effects of genetic variants, rare variants of moderate penetrance and gene-environment interactions. Additionally, there is a considerable lack of causal and mechanistic analyses on the association between dietary sodium intake and BP. Evidence suggests that the salt/water balance is in part mediated by epigenetic mechanisms, specifically histone modification and DNA methylation (in animals and plants), which alters expression levels of important regulatory genes such as epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) in response to varying salt intake42-46. These epigenetic mechanisms also play a role in the prenatal imprinting of postnatal-specific feeding behaviours and intergenerational transmission of salt appetite from mother to offspring47, a pathway of which is evident in rats and has been verified in human newborn infants47. Furthermore, data suggests that environmental, particularly nutritional, factors during pregnancy can lead to changes in DNA methylation of the offspring48, supporting the hypothesis that origins of diseases in adults begin in utero48-50.

Epigenetic association studies are beginning to accumulate51-53. Importantly, differentiating between causative and consequential differential epigenetic modifications is difficult but necessary, as epigenetic marks are more similar to phenotypes than genotypes, and can thus be confounded by other environmental factors.

Our knowledge in this area is far from complete and inconsistencies between previous studies drives the importance of understanding the causal and mechanistic pathways underlying this known association between dietary sodium intake and BP. Therefore, I intend to examine the longitudinal, intergenerational, intrauterine, and epigenetic contributions of dietary sodium intake to BP regulation, assessing the underlying causal pathways and mechanisms.


1. Identify genes involved in sodium regulation and excretion through GWAS, focusing on genes with the greatest diversity of effect on circulating sodium levels.

2. Use a novel MR approach to assess the causal links between dietary sodium intake and BP with known genetic variants.

3. Multi-level model of how BP changes longitudinally in children as a result of dietary sodium intake, in terms of genetic and epigenetic pathways.

4. Examine the intergenerational and intra-uterine effects of maternal diet and offspring BP, taking into account paternal, maternal-prenatal and maternal-postnatal dietary intake and the challenges with this type of analysis.

5. Examine the differential methylation in BP of children and mothers, prospectively comparing BP of children with varying diets.

6. Assess differential transcription/expression using mRNA levels due to differential methylation found in (5).

7. Identify differences in BP due to varying diets in urban vs. rural populations and exploit the genetic information available on BP to assess rural vs. urban interaction.

Study Design

Participants and Variables

GWAS will be based on the ~10,000 children within ALSPAC54 who have been genotyped on the 610K Illumina SNP Chip. Averages from repeated BP measurements will be used to increase the reliability and sensitivity of this trait. BP has been collected from children at 37, 49 and 61 months and 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 17 years at rest and after exercise. Maternal BP measurements were collected at each pregnancy trimester, and when the children were 11, 13, 15 and 17 years old. Information on family history of hypertension, CHD and stroke from parents is also available.

Salt intake will be derived from 3-day nutritional diaries and food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) from a sub-sample from ALSPAC children collected at 4, 8, 18, 43, and 61 months, and at 7.5, 10.6 and 13.9 years and from mothers and 32 weeks gestation, and at 47 months, 97 months and 13 years. Nutrient intakes and food groups consumed will be derived from the FFQs and diet diaries using similar methods to previous studies16,55. Information on sodium excretion and sodium-related metabolites56 will be obtained from the ~1,000 children who have urine spot samples taken at age 10, 15 and 17. Epigenomic information will be obtained from ARIES in 1,000 ALSPAC mothers and children, of whom have phenotypic data. Intergenerational data will primarily use ALSPAC (and COCO90s, if available). Assessment of urban vs. rural interaction will use the Indian Migration Study57.

Rare variants analysis will utilize ~2,000 ALSPAC children who have whole-genome sequencing data and will be used as a reference set for imputing the rest of the cohort. Significant associations will be performed for replication in other cohorts where suitable data are available.

Significant associations will be followed up in available data from cohorts including EPIC, BWHHS, BRHS, Birth to Twenty, Indian Migration Study, Hellenic Isolated Cohorts (HELIC), Born in Bradford, Danish National Birth Cohort, Generation R and the German Infant Study on the Influence of Nutrition Intervention.

Statistical Analysis

Genome-wide data will initially be imputed to HapMap Phase II. Rare variant (1-5% MAF) will be using genome-wide SNP data from ~10,000 ALSPAC children imputed into UK10K dataset (or 1,000 genomes if UK10K is not available).

Multivariate regression will be used to assess associations between exposures and outcomes, where analyses will be adjusted for appropriate confounders (eg. age, sex, BMI). Intergenerational associations between maternal diet and offspring BP will take into account additional covariates (eg. maternal nutrition before pregnancy, supplementation, birthsize, intake after birth, child growth from birth and sex). Longitudinal multivariate modelling of BP in ALSPAC children will use MLwiN to fit multi-level models, which describe BP variation over time as well as covariation between BP phenotypes. MR methodology will be used to assess causal associations between salt intake and BP, using dietary data and sodium-related metabolites as the exposures. Associations between paternal, maternal post-natal and maternal pre-natal dietary information and offspring BP will be examined to assess whether associations between maternal diet and offspring BP is due to intrauterine effects.

Assessment of epigenetic associations will involve examining differential methylation and using the two-step MR approach58. Expression levels will be investigated using genome-wide expression data on 1,000 ALSPAC children measured from lymphoblastoid cell lines using the Illumina Human-6 v2 Beadchip (48,000 transcripts). All analysis will be using STATA, R, PLINK and MLwiN.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Blood Pressure, Epigenetics , Genetics, Nutrition
Primary keyword: 

B1454 - The association between birth weight infant growth and asthma until young adulthood in the ALSPAC cohort - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Agnes Sonnenschien-van der Voort (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe)
Prof John Henderson (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Raquel Granell (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
The association between birth weight, infant growth and asthma until young adulthood in the ALSPAC cohort.
Proposal summary: 


Various different asthma definitions are used in research and clinic. It is important to identify specific underlying mechanisms for the associations of early life exposures with different asthma related outcomes, which might reflect different specific structural and functional adaptations. Major potential early life risk factors are a low birth weight, and change in infant's growth. In a large population-based cohort study followed from birth until the age of 17 years, our aim is to identify potential risk factors for the different asthma phenotypes in young adulthood.


A recent paper on fetal and infant growth and asthma symptoms in preschool children showed an association between infant weight gain and asthma symptoms, independent of fetal growth, suggesting that early infancy might be critical for the development of asthma. The effect of infant growth on asthma phenotypes and lung function measurements at older ages needs to be explored. If adverse infant growth is also associated with respiratory outcomes in young adulthood, a valuable and modifiable risk factor is identified which could be potentially used for new preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

Low birth weight is associated with increased risks of asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, and impaired lung function in adults and with increased risks of respiratory symptoms in the first 7 years. Low birth weight per se is not likely to be the causal factor for asthma. The same birth weight might be the result of various growth patterns. The developmental plasticity hypothesis suggests that the associations between low birth weight and diseases in later life are explained by early adaptation mechanisms in response to various adverse exposures, including smoke exposure. Previous studies showed inconclusive results about fetal growth patterns and fetal smoke exposure and the risk of wheezing in childhood. The associations of longitudinally measured fetal and early childhood growth patterns, and their interactions with wheezing phenotypes, asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and lung function in later life need to be studied in detail.


Birth weight and infant growth.


parental age, body mass index, education and occupation, history of asthma or atopy, smoking during pregancy, gestational age at birth, children's gender, crowding, siblings, breastfeeding status, ethnicity, tobacco smoke exposure, housing, pet keeping and body mass index at time of outcome.


(1) recently identified asthma phenotypes: never/infrequent wheeze, transient early wheeze, prolonged early wheeze, intermediate onset wheeze, late onset wheeze, persistent wheeze; (2) doctor diagnosed asthma; at ages 8 and 15 years (2) Lung function (spirometry, bronchial responsiveness to methacholine, exhaled nitric oxide; at ages 8 and 15 years).

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Asthma, Growth
Primary keyword: 

B1450 - Genetic and Environmental Predictors of ADHD Symptom Trajectories The Role of Symptom Onset and Psychiatric Co-morbidity - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Kate Langley (University of Cardiff, UK)
Prof Anita Thapar (University of Cardiff, UK), Dr Kimberley Rhoades (Oregon Social Learning Center, USA), Mrs Joanna Martin (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Genetic and Environmental Predictors of ADHD Symptom Trajectories: The Role of Symptom Onset and Psychiatric Co-morbidity.
Proposal summary: 

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common, extremely disabling disorder which has major adverse squalae in childhood and later life. Available evidence suggests that both genetic and environmental risk factors are important in the aetiology of ADHD; how these influences, and their interplay, impact the course (i.e., trajectories) of ADHD symptoms is poorly understood.

The aim of this proposal is to further explore individual trajectories of ADHD symptoms over time and genetic and family environmental predictors of those trajectories. In addition, we aim to explore the influence of symptom age of onset and psychiatric comorbidity on the course of ADHD.

ADHD symptoms trajectories, on average, show declines from middle childhood through early adolescence (Langberg et al., 2008), although environmental stressors (in this study, the transition to secondary school) can lead to temporary reversals of these declines. Previous research using the ALSPAC sample has identified 4 latent class trajectories of ADHD symptoms over time: low risk, intermediate, childhood limited, and persistently impaired (Pourcain et al., 2011). Other research has found evidence for three symptoms trajectory classes: low; increasing in childhood, then decreasing; and decreasing during childhood and then increasing later in development (Malone et al., 2010). Individual trajectories of ADHD symptoms have implications for later adjustment; in the Malone et al., study, participants with the 3rd trajectory (decreasing symptoms during childhood, then later increases) reported an earlier onset of illicit drug use than the stable low trajectory class.

Little to no research has examined either genetic or family environmental influences on ADHD trajectories over time. Increased knowledge about the aetiology of these symptom trajectories in epidemiological samples is crucial for prevention efforts and provides preliminary foci for future research in clinical samples.

1). First, we propose to explore individual trajectories of ADHD symptoms over time and associations among initial symptoms and longitudinal course. Predictors of these trajectories will then be examined, including the family environment, genetic risk, age of symptom onset, and psychiatric comorbidity, specifically symptoms of CD and ODD.

2). We also propose to look at the COMT val158met genotype which has been shown to be associated with CD in samples with comorbid ADHD (Langley et al., 2010) and a (previously generated) polygenic risk score, following work finding significant association between risk score and comorbid CD in those with ADHD (Hamshere et al., submitted).

3). Using this genetic information, we are interested in looking at parental transmission of risk alleles to their child; if a child is exposed to a dysfunctional family environment and the mother has the risk genotype but does not pass that genotype on to her child, the course of ADHD symptoms over time should be less pathological if shared genetic liability were important, but not if environmental mediation was at work.

4). We additionally plan to examine moderation of genetic risk on longitudinal trajectories of ADHD symptoms by the family environment. The expectation is that children who both have genetic risk for ADHD and are exposed to dysfunctional environments will evidence steady high and/or increasing trajectories of ADHD symptoms over time.

These analyses would help elucidate predictors of the course of ADHD. Furthermore, we aim to replicate our findings from ALSPAC in our clinical sample of (n=800) children with ADHD which should provide further insight.

The polygenic risk score for ADHD and the COMT vala58met genotype that we propose to study are strong candidates for association with ADHD trajectories and associated conduct problems and are also available in the ALSPAC data set, the two main reasons why they have been proposed here. We recognise that other variants in these and other genotypic regions may also be linked to ADHD symptoms and, should funds be available for future genotyping, would be interested in extending our analyses.

Because our proposed study is similar to current work by Barbara Maughan on CD trajectories, we have been in consultation with Dr. Maughan and will maintain a close collaboration during this project to both enhance the quality of the proposed research and to ensure the distinctness and complementarity of our studies. The proposed project with also be conducted with the collaboration of Prof. Gordon Harold and Dr. Stephan Colinshaw at the University of Cardiff.

The proposed study will utilize the polygenic risk score for ADHD currently under development by Joanna Martin (ALSPAC project # B1342; planned completion date for deriving the polygenic risk score is Nov. 1st, 2012). The polygenic risk score is calculated by using the results (below a chosen threshold) of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of ADHD cases vs. population controls to create a polygenic score for each individual in the target dataset (i.e. in ALSPAC). Thus, we propose to examine the effect of common genetic variants implicated in ADHD, in the form of polygenic scores calculated in ALSPAC based on a discovery sample of children diagnosed with ADHD, on trajectories of ADHD during childhood and adolescence.

Current data required:

1) Parent & Teacher reports DAWBA symptoms and diagnoses of ADHD, CD and ODD at all available assessment points

2) SDQ - subscale summary scores at all available time points

3) Child- and parent-report of antisocial behavior

4) Child and parent report of parental monitoring, parenting, and the parent-child relationship at all available assessments

Items: 6 months: KB554-KB586; 18 months: KD270-KD305, KD366-KD422; 24 months: KE010-KE021; 30 months: KF300-KF326, KF358-KF394, KF430-KF431; 42 months: KJ250-KJ268, KJ298-KJ334, KJ370-KJ459; 77 months: KP6000-KP6050, KP6210-KP6230, KP6270-KP6282; 103 months: KT3030-KT3098; 115 months: KU280-KU329, CCF104, 111, 118, 125, 133, 141, 149, 157, 165; 140 months: KW4000-KW4050, KW9020-KW9088; 169 months: CCR500-CCR550; 16.5 years: TC1000-TC1180

5) Age (parents & child at assessments)

6) Gender

7) BWT

8) Derived variables of Partner Affection, and Partner Aggression at each available time point (e.g., F593-F595 & F596-F598 from 8 week Mother Questionnaire)

9) SES & Mothers education

10) Mother & Father psychopathology - ADHD, CD, Anx. & Depression

11) Mother & Child genotypes


Langberg, J. M., Epstein, J. N., Altaye, M., Molina, B. S. G., Arnold, L. E., Vitiello, B. (2008). The transition to middle school is associated with changes in the developmental trajectory of ADHD symptomatology in young adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 651-663.

St. Pourcain, B., Mandy, W. P., Heron, J., Golding, J., Smith, G. D., & Skuse, D. H. (2011). Links between co-occurring social-communication and hyperactive-inattentive trait trajectories. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 50, 892-902.

Malone, P. S., Van Eck, K., Flory, K., & Lamis, D. A. (2010). A mixture model approach to linking ADHD to adolescent onset of illicit drug use. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1543-1555.

Langley, K., Heron, J., O'Donovan, M. C., Owen, M. J., & Thapar, A. (2010). Genotype link with extreme antisocial behavior. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67, 1317-1323.

Hamshere, M.L., Langley, K. et al., High loading of polygenic risk for ADHD in those with comorbid aggression. Submitted.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
ADHD, Genetics
Primary keyword: 

B1449 - Genomewide array Illumina platforms testing using the iScan technology at Oakfield House ALSPAC laboratories - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Nic Timpson (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Wendy McArdle (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Susan Ring (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Genomewide array (Illumina platforms) testing using the iScan technology at Oakfield House, ALSPAC laboratories.
Proposal summary: 

The iScan technology housed within the ALSPAC laboratories provides an opportunity to collect valuable genetic data on specific samples in small scale projects. However, where dealing with small sample sizes and potentially valuable,limited, DNA sources, one needs to be confident in the efficiency and reliability of the lab based pipelines for data collection. This proposal simply seeks permission to use a small number (likely sample number for each test being 16 samples, though this may vary by platform) of DNA samples from the ALSPAC immortalised cell lines (which have a theoretically infinite supply of DNA) to test new arrays. Data generated from this testing will then be used to verify the performance of particular arrays before use on samples with a finite reserve.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Genetics, Methods
Primary keyword: 

B1447 - The maturational air-bone gap Trends in behavioural air- and bone- conduction hearing thresholds in children - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Amanda J Hall (University of Bristol, UK)
Ms Noelle Conheady (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
The maturational air-bone gap: Trends in behavioural air- and bone- conduction hearing thresholds in children.
Proposal summary: 


For the purposes of hearing assessment, thresholds to air conducted and bone conducted stimuli are converted into comparable units, dBHL at each frequency. This calibration of air and bone- conducted stimuli allows for comparison between air and bone conduction hearing thresholds. The difference between the air conduction threshold and the bone conduction threshold is termed the "air-bone gap" and generally indicates the presence of a conductive (i.e affecting the outer or middle ear) hearing loss. However air and bone conduction thresholds for infants with normal hearing using physiological measures have identified an air-bone gap in the low frequencies that does not result from conductive hearing losses but rather from maturational difference and sensitivity (Small and Stapells 2008 and Vander Werff et al. 2009). Studies to date have suggested that this maturational air bone gap exists up to 3 years of age on both physiological and behavioural studies, however studies specifically examining the patterns of behavioural air conduction and bone conduction thresholds in children older than 3 years of age have not been carried out. It is therefore not known if the maturational air-bone gap exists in children older than three years of age and at what stage it starts to close.

Research Questions:

1. Does a maturational air-bone gap exist in the ALSPAC cohort at age 5, 7, 9 and 11 years?

2. If a maturational air-bone gap is found to exist, at what age does this close/ reduce?

3. Are there frequency dependent trends in behavioural air and bone conduction thresholds for children aged 5, 7, 9 and 11 years?


1. Describe the air conduction hearing thresholds for each stimulus frequency at age 5, 7, 9 and 11.

2. Describe the bone conduction hearing thresholds for each stimulus frequency at age 5, 7, 9 and 11.

3. Identify if there are a) age and b) frequency dependent trends in air conduction and bone conduction hearing thresholds across the different age groups.

4. Quantify the air-bone gap at each age and examine changes over time.


It is hypothesised that the air-bone gap decreases with age.

Exposure variable(s): Age of child

Outcome variable(s): Air conduction and bone conduction hearing thresholds

Confounding variable(s): Sex and socioeconomic status.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Primary keyword: 

B1444 - Dietary patterns during pregnancy and gestational weight gain - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Kate Northstone (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof Kate Tilling (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Dietary patterns during pregnancy and gestational weight gain.
Proposal summary: 

Aim: We wish to examine whether dietary patterns derived during pregnancy are associated with gestational weight gain (GWG).

Background: It has recently been shown in ALSPAC that increased GWG is associated with adverse outcomes in child outcomes (Fraser et al, 2010). Little is known about what actually drives GWG; one potentially modifiable factor is dietary intake, whereby increased energy intake will lead to greater weight gain.

Exposure variables: Dietary patterns have already been derived using Principal Components Analaysis (Northstone et al, 2008)

Outcome variables: Pre-pregnancy weight combined with weight gain (kg/wk) in each trimester as determined by multi-level models (Fraser et al. 2010).

Confounding variables: Parity, maternal age and education level, smoking before/during pregnancy. In addition we will adjust for energy intake estimated from teh pregnancy FFQ.

We hypothesise that higher scores on the 'processed' component will lead to greater weight gain overall during pregnancy, while those mums scoring highly on the 'healthy' and 'traditional' patterns will gain less. Of particular interest is determining whether rates of weight gain differ by trimester according to dietary pattern scores.


K Northstone, P Emmett, I Rogers. Dietary patterns in pregnancy and associations with socio-demographic and lifestyle factors. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008; 62: 471-479.

Fraser A, Tilling K, Brion M-J, Ness A, Deanfield J, Hingorani A, Nelson, SM, DaveySmith G, Lawlor DA. Association of maternal weight gain in pregnancy with offspring obesity, metabolic and vascular traits in childhood: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Circulation; 2010;121:2557-2564

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Diet, Pregnancy
Primary keyword: 

B1442 - Early growth and childhood asthma a meta-analysis - 11/10/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Agnes Sonnenschien-van der Voort (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe)
Dr Liesbeth Duijts (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe), Dr Vincent Jaddoe (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe), Prof Johan de Jongste (Erasmus University Medical Center, Rottterdam, the Netherlands, Europe), Prof John Henderson (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Early growth and childhood asthma: a meta-analysis.
Proposal summary: 


To examine the association of early growth with the risk of childhood asthma using data from European cohort studies.


Previously, it has been shown that low birth weight is associated with increased risks of asthma, chronic obstructive airway disease, and impaired lung function (FEV1, FVC) in adults. In children, low birth weight is associated with increased risks of respiratory symptoms. The developmental plasticity hypothesis suggests that the associations between low birth weight and asthma are explained by early adaptive mechanisms in response to various exposures in fetal and early postnatal life. These adaptive mechanisms might be beneficial for short term survival but might also lead to increased susceptibility of development of asthma in childhood and, perhaps, adulthood. Developmental adaptations might include impaired lung development leading to lifelong smaller airways and impaired lung function. Low birth weight is not likely to be causal for asthma per se. The same birth weight might be the result of various growth patterns. Information about growth characteristics in early life enables identification of critical periods for specific exposures and development of asthma. Children with a low birth weight tend to have a postnatal catch up growth, which leads to increased risks of childhood obesity. Both catch up growth and obesity have been suggested to be associated with pulmonary functioning, respiratory symptoms and childhood asthma. However, studies so far showed inconsistent results, which might partly be due to methodological issues including differences in definitions of catch up growth, obesity and asthma outcomes and the adjustment for gestational age and other confounders.


Cohorts were identified through birth cohort registries. Studies were eligible if they included children from 1989 onwards, had information on at least preterm birth or birth weight and preschool wheezing (1-4 years) or school age asthma (5-10 years), and allowed to use original data. Pooled odds ratios from random effect models were calculated from the per cohort logistic regression analysis to assess the association between birth weight and asthma, and gestational age and asthma. Secondly a individual patient data meta-analysis will be performed to assess the interaction between gestational age and birth weight.


Growth characteristics at birth (weight, gestational age) and at the age of 1 year (range 6-18 months; weight) will be used.


Information on preschool wheezing (no, yes) at the ages of 1-4 years, and school age wheezing (no, yes) and physician diagnosed asthma (no, yes) at the ages of 5-10 years will be collected. Cohorts that defined wheezing and doctor-diagnosed asthma with use of questions from the International Study on Asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC) (14) are preferred but not obligatory.


Information about a large number of potential covariates will be collected including e.g. maternal age, BMI, education, history of asthma or atopy (eczema, hay fever or house dust mite allergy), smoking habits during pregnancy and in the first year after birth, parity or number of siblings at time of birth, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, children's sex, gestational age, ethnicity, breastfeeding status, daycare attendance in the first year of life and pet keeping.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 11 October, 2012
Asthma, Growth
Primary keyword: 

B1464 - A statistical framework to identify associations between diet and disease a formal comparison of competing approaches - 28/09/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Mr Ioannis Bakoli (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK)
Prof Mike Kenward (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK), Dr George Ploubidis (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK), Prof Peter Burney (Imperial College London, UK)
Title of project: 
A statistical framework to identify associations between diet and disease; a formal comparison of competing approaches
Proposal summary: 

The overall aim of this project is to evaluate existing techniques and develop new ones for investigating associations between diet and disease from nutritional data. Furthermore, potential pathways of diet with chronic diseases such as asthma will be explored.

Specific Objectives:

1. To evaluate existing data-driven methods for empirically derived dietary patterns in nutritional epidemiology.

2. To investigate and develop new statistical methods for analyzing nutritional data derived from other fields of research.

3. To explore causal pathways of diet with chronic diseases such as asthma and obesity.

Objective 1-2 will asess the performance of existing data-driven techniques in nutritional epidemiology and newly developed ones with the use of simulation studies. In order to do that, we will create a hypothetical population in which food intake derived from the ALSPAC food frequency questionnaire could be related to disease under the conditions that we control for and in a way that we could specify in terms of relative risks.

Objective 3 will use the ALSPAC data for identifying potential pathways between diet and asthma, allergy with the use of Causal models.

Exposure Variables: Food Frequency Data

Outcome Variables: Self-reported data on asthma and allergy , Lung function measurements

Confounding variables: energy intake, smoking status, infections, antibiotics and paracetamol use; educational level, housing tenure, financial difficulties, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, age, parity, history of asthma, eczema; sex of child, gestational age, breast fed in first 6 months, day care at 8 months, multiple pregnancy, pets in infancy, damp/condensation/mould, child exposed to environmental tobacco smoke at weekends, season of birth, season of FFQ completion, birth weight, head circumference, birth length

Date proposal received: 
Friday, 28 September, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Friday, 28 September, 2012
Diet, Disease
Primary keyword: 

B1463 - Longitudinal modelling of high dimensional DNA methylation data - 27/09/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Dr Jonathan Marchini (University of Oxford, UK)
Dr Caroline Relton (University of Bristol, UK), Prof George Davey Smith (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Dave Evans (University of Bristol, UK), Dr Tom Gaunt (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Longitudinal modelling of high dimensional DNA methylation data
Proposal summary: 


We are interested in developing statistical methods for the analysis of epigenetic data. Specific methods of interest include the use of independent component analysis (ICA) to identify key modes of variation in epigenetic changes through time that might then be correlated with subject exposures. We plan to explore the application of existing ICA algorithms that would operate solely on the epigenetic data and also on new methods that try to use the exposure data to help inform the identification of the latent factors within a joint model. We would also like to consider models that also use genome-wide SNP data to infer latent factors. At the same time the application of these methods may allow artifacts to be identified within the data which could be subsequently removed . This would produce a clean version of the data that could be used by others in any subsequent analysis of this data. Once methods have been developed and tested on simulated data we would apply them to the real data and search for asociations between uncovered latent factors and exposure levels.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
DNA, Epigenetics
Primary keyword: 

B1441 - Analysis of the risk profiles of ALSPAC adolescent communities and individuals within a friendship network context - 27/09/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Prof Matt Hickman (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Katy Turner (University of Bristol, UK), Prof John Macleod (University of Bristol, UK), Mr Andy Boyd (University of Bristol, UK), Mr Steve Gregory (University of Bristol, UK), Miss Rhiannon Pinney (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Analysis of the risk profiles of ALSPAC adolescent communities and individuals within a friendship network context.
Proposal summary: 

Social network analysis provides an insight on the complex influences that relationships between individuals may have on their health and social wellbeing throughout the lifecourse. ALSPAC has a unique data resource in this respect; a mapped friendship network of adolescents linked to detailed records of behavioural traits and health/social outcomes.This will allow the investigation of risk taking behaviour in adolescents within friendship 'communities' and how the clustering of these communities relate to the location of the friends residence and school. The investigation will be conducted as a 'Complexity Project' run by Uiniveristy of Bristol Computational Sciences Department. The complexity student will be supervised by Computational Science and School of Social and Community Medicine Staff.

This project has two components, a methodological one - to apply novel computational methods to analyse the ALSPAC friendship dataset, and an analytical one - to analyse the friendship data in this way to provide additional useful information to identify / target high risk groups within the population, which may otherwise not be obvious based only on individual risk profiles/standard epidemiological techniques.

Specifically the project aims to look at the following hypothesees:

Hypothesis 1: Can community detection algorithms (CDA), a novel computational method of network data analysis, be used to identify groups of closely connected individuals within a population?

Required Variables: CCXB friendship matrix data and friendship attribute variables.

Hypothesis 2: Within these groups of connected individuals is disease transmission (in this instance Chlamydia infection) more likely than between different "communities"? Note: community in this sense is defined purely by the computer algorithm rather than in the real world e.g. according to location of residence.

Required Variables: Chlamydia infection status from 17 year clinic.

An important element of the 'complexity study' project is to simplify complex data. In this project the ALSPAC participants propensity for risk taking behaviour (e.g. substance use, alcohol use, anti-social behaviour) will be categorised using statistical methods (e.g. principal component analysis) to define an ALSPAC risk profile. This profile can be used to look at "diffusion of behaviour", or preferential mixing of individuals based on behaviour - over and above sexual risk.

Hypothesis 3: Do the individuals within a "community" detected in this way share other characteristics such as risk behaviours?

Required Variables: Risk taking measures from the 15 and 17 year clinics and the 16 year questionnaire. Attainment data from Key Stage 4 (Linkage).

The risk profile data will be used to investigate the extent to which like with like mixing (homophily, e.g. if two individuals who smoke are more likely to become friends due to their shared smoking habit) drives the formation of friendship groups detected through CDAs. We will further use these data, together with computer simulation techniques to analyse whether interventions aimed at communities could be more effective than interventions at reducing disease transmission. The analysts will look at ways to visualise these data in a more compelling way than a list of densities/closeness measures using specialist network

ALSPAC Research Proposal Form page 7 of 8 December 2010

drawing software.

Hypothesis 4: Does the clustering of friendship communities within schools/geographical areas influences homophily of friendship networks.

Required Variables: Pseudonymised school codes and Lower Super Output Area of home residence.

This strand investigates the clustering of network community effects within the key georgaphical spaces for adolescents; schools and residential areas. We will consider if the geographical clustering appears to 'validate' the network communities and whether individuals with links outside of these shared geographical/network communities have differing risk profiles.

The team:

Katy Turner, Steve Gregory, John Macleod, Andy Boyd, Matthew Hickman, Rhiannon Pinney. Rhiannon is a Bristol Complexity Sciences student with Maths background, who will be supported by the rest of the team, Katy and Steve to be her main supervisors. 3 month project, leading to mini-dissertation write up, ideally peer review paper and potentially expansion/development to full PhD project proposal.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
Risks, Social Networks, Social Position
Primary keyword: 

B1407 - Acne Adolescent Mental Health and Educational Attainment - 27/09/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
Mr Raj Chande (University of Bristol, UK)
Title of project: 
Acne, Adolescent Mental Health and Educational Attainment.
Proposal summary: 

There appears to be a consensus in the psychological and dermatological literature that acne has adverse effects on mental health. Likewise, there is a consensus among economists and educationalists that mental health has a meaningful impact on educational attainment. However, the magnitude of this impact has been difficult to analyse because of reverse causality, educational attainment many worsen mental health as much as worsening mental health might cause poor educational attainment.

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2012
Education, Mental Health, Skin
Primary keyword: 

B1440 - Core Renewal Bid 2014-2019 - 20/09/2012

B number: 
Principal applicant name: 
(Not used 0, Not used 0)
Title of project: 
Core Renewal Bid 2014-2019.
Proposal summary: 

Not available

Date proposal received: 
Thursday, 20 September, 2012
Date proposal approved: 
Thursday, 20 September, 2012
Primary keyword: 
